Radio & Podcasts

On the air and on the web....

Heidi has been a frequent guest on Brian Patrick's former Son Rise Morning Show, now hosted by Matt Swaim and Anna Mitchell, weekday mornings from 6-9 am on 740 AM Sacred Heart Radio in Cincinnati, and 7 am eastern time on the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network.

Heidi has also been interviewed by Danielle Bean, Editorial Director of Faith & Family, The Magazine and Daily Blog of Catholic Living.

Advent Traditions and Heidi's Celebrate series of board books: Click here to hear Podcast.

Building children's faith by taking fun, faith-focused field trips: Click here to hear Podcast.

Interview with author and EWTN host, Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle about Homegrown Faith: Nurturing Your Catholic Family.

Click here to read interview.