The Headquarters Activities and Programs

Standard Humanism & Worldwide Standard Human Society

The bright & brilliant world of the 3rd millennium!

Standard Humanism (15th September 2010 Mysore – India); The New International and Humanistic Belief of The 3rd Millennium! Covering all the aspects of human life and potential to bring peace justice... To change human life from its primitive nature of now to the advanced one....

Founded by Dariush Ghasemian Dastjerdi

The Headquarters activities and programs:

1. Introducing & preaching Standard Humanism thru advertising, publishing etc.

2. Finding the opportunities of establishing NGOs of Standard Humanism in various regions and countries ….

3. Holding seminars and conferences regarding the introducing Standard Humanism ….

4. Active connection with the international organizations with the scope of fulfillment of the Standard Humanism!

5. Active connection with the universities and finding the ways of teaching Standard Humanism thru the establishment of the departments of Standard Humanism in universities with the scope of changing human life from its primitive nature of now to the progressed and advanced life of 3rd millennium for the sake of all seven billion mankind.

6. ….

Standard Humanism Organizations;

In different parts of the world! (The Ideal):

1. Worldwide Standard Human Society (The Universal Society of Standard Human, in the place of the UN)

2. Five main continental branches of World Society

3. The Headquarters of Standard Humanism

4. NGOs of Standard Humanism

The stages of human life growth & evolution:

1.         Primitive/ including: primitive and traditional; slavery; feudalism.

2.         Renaissance ….

3.         Capitalism and economic growth.

4.         Welfare state and Modernism.

5.         Standard Humanism! The perfect life of 3rd Millennium.


تدریس تفکر انسان استاندارد: 5 ویدئوی فارسی با زیرنویس انگلیسی، و 12 ویدئوی انگلیسی

Standard Humanism بر روی کانال یوتیوب

Teaching "the Standard Human Thought" at Universities!

Please Watch Standard Humanism Sessions 1-12 & 1-5; On YouTube

Session 1/12 - Session 2/12 - Session 3/12 - Session 4/12 - Session 5/12 - Session 6/12

Session 7/12 - Session 8/12 - Session 9/12 - Session10/12 - Session 11/12 - Session 12/12

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