Prof. Don McNickle at University of Canterbury, NZ visited KBU.

Post date: Nov 09, 2010 2:51:32 PM

Prof. McNickle with Dr. Jan Wikaira visited Korean Bible University on Christian Day, 28th October 2010 at 10am,

and gave an invite talk to all KBU students in the Department of Computer Software.

His main topic was on "Akaroa2: A Discrete-Event Simulation Controller on Networks."

He also participated in exhibiting fourth-year-students' final projects in the department.

Then he safely returned back to Christchurch in New Zealand and sent the following email.


보낸날짜 :

받는사람 :

2010년 11월 08일 월요일, 05시 32분 22초 +0900

죠쉬아 <>

Dear Joshua,

Thank you so much for organising my visit to KBU.

We particularly enjoyed the dinner out with you.

The gift of the bookstand was lovely, and very useful.

It was a pleasure to meet your colleagues, speak to your students and see their projects.

I was struck by the students’ courtesy, engagement, and enthusiasm for their work.

Please thank Professor Kang for the visit, and for welcoming us to KBU.

The rest of our time in Korea was great.

Pusan was interesting, although not as much as Seoul, where I could have spent months!

Best wishes,

Don McNickle

Management Department,

University of Canterbury,

Private Bag 4800,

Christchurch 8041, New Zealand
