Join the Lab

Postdoc opportunities

If you are looking for a postdoc and your scientific interests align with mine in some way, please send me a CV (at uw dot edu harriske) so we can get in touch to brainstorm potential project ideas. All postdoc positions require a Ph.D. related to computational biology, genetics, and/or genomics and come with full benefits and competitive salaries that are commensurate with experience. The University of Washington is an equal opportunity employer, and we encourage candidates from underrepresented backgrounds to apply. Initial 12-month appointments are renewable for up to 5 total years.

Ph.D. student opportunities

If you are soon to be a student in the UW Genome Sciences graduate program or UW Molecular and Cell Biology, likewise get in touch to discuss potential rotation projects. You can sign up here to attend an information session with the UW Genome Sciences director of admissions. I can sometimes accept students from other UW graduate programs with an appropriate coadvisor.

If you are a prospective applicant to a UW graduate program, feel free to email me with questions, but emailing me before you apply is not a requirement and will not affect your chances of admission. (This is not true of all graduate programs, especially ones where students are directly admitted to labs, but is a useful thing to know about ours).

My lab is primarily computational, and prospective group members should be excited to spend lots of time doing one or more of the following: theoretical and/or empirical population genetics; programming; bioinformatics; computational method development. That said, the Genome Sciences faculty are highly collaborative, and I welcome inquiries from prospective students and postdocs who envision working jointly with me and one of the many GS faculty who do state-of-the-art experimental work.