Hari Cherupalli

Hello, and welcome to my website! 

 I like to work on difficult problems that can have far reaching impact. More importantly, I find it exciting to develop solutions that are at the juncture of different fields, leveraging ideas from one industry to advance another industry. Currently I am developing AI techniques for optimizing Electronic Design Automation (EDA) flows that can streamline processes in the semiconductor industry. The product that I am working on - DSO.ai has been covered by major news outlets ranging from New York Times to Forbes. I am also working on developing novel circuit techniques to reduce turn-around-time in diagnosing and re-manufacturing electronic chips. 

In the past, I have developed techniques at the juncture of hardware and software to optimize microprocessors for several metrics such as power, area and security. During this process, I developed at technique to produce 'bespoke' processors that has been recognized by the ACM Computer Architecture Community as one of the top 12 most interesting ideas of the year 2017. It was also covered by news outlets such as IEEE Spectrum and Semiconductor Engineering. 

Feel free to 'walk' around my website!


haricherupalli AT gmail DOT com

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