work experience

Research and Work Experience

    • October 2020 - present: Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

      • Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Sciences

    • April 2020 - September 2020: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan

      • Project researcher, Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research Center

    • June 2018 - March 2020: Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Singapore

      • Postdoctoral Associate, Future Urban Mobility IRG

    • November 2016 - May 2018: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan

      • Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering,Behavior in Network Study Unit

    • October 2015 - March 2019: JST PRESTO (Concurrent post)

      • Researcher of PRESTO, Design of Information Infrastructure Technologies Harmonized with Societies

    • February 2018 - March 2018: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US

      • Visiting researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Host Researcher: Yafeng Yin)

    • February 2017 - March 2017: Harvard University, Cambridge, US

      • Visiting researcher, SEAS (Computer Science) (Host Researcher: David Parkes)

    • November 2016 - December 2016: The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia

      • Visiting researcher, Department of Computer Science (Host Researcher: Mingyu Guo)

    • November 2014 - October 2016: Tohoku University, Sendai Japan

      • Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Transportation and Geographic Information Science Lab

    • October 2012 - October 2014: Tohoku University, Sendai Japan

      • Assistant Professor, NICHe, International and Intermodal Transportation Lab

    • April 2012 - September 2012: Tohoku University, Sendai Japan

      • Postdoctoral Researcher, JSPS (PD), Road Transportation and Traffic Lab

    • October 2011 - November 2011: Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan

      • Visiting Researcher, Lab of Kiyoshi Kobayashi

    • April 2011 - March 2012: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan

      • Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2)


    • Ph.D. April 2009 - March 2012: The University of Tokyo, Urban Engineering, Tokyo, Japan

      • Behavior in Networks Lab

    • M.S. April 2007 - March 2009: The University of Tokyo, Urban Engineering, Tokyo, Japan

      • Urban Transportation Lab

    • B.S. April 2003 - March 2007: The University of Tokyo, Urban Engineering, Tokyo, Japan