Webster City Day Care

1971 to 1997


Marj and Ed Nass

The Webster City Day Care Center was the brainchild of two people connected with the Methodist Church

(now Asbury United Methodist Church) in 1971. Wanda Long and Vicki Peterson were involved with the

church school program and decided there was a need for a day care center for Webster City. The Education

Committee of the church discussed ways that the plan could get started.

It was decided to form a Day Care Board and begin fundraising in early 1971. Officers were chosen from a

group of interested citizens at the first meeting. Officers were: Vicki Peterson, Pres.; William Carroll,

Vice-Pres.: Wanda Long, Sec. and Martin E. Nass, Treasurer. A board of directors was formed. They were

Rev. Ludecker, Freda Weldon, Dr. E. F. Brown, Mrs. Tom Yungclas, Julie Greis, Mary Hanna, Dwain

Blake, Pam Doolittle, Howard E. Myers, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Ptacek, and Harry Soyster. Articles of

Incorporation were filed on June 24, 1971 and they list Vicki Peterson as the registered agent. The articles

of incorporation stated that the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected at the

annual meeting in February of each year. The exact date will be determined by the Executive Committee.

Fund raising was one of the first concerns, as well as creating community awareness. The board decided to

approach business for donations. Freda Weldon volunteered to visit the bars, at which she was quite

successful. Ed Nass visited the three banks getting donations of $25, $150, and $150. Freda Weldon came

up with the idea of hosting community coffees where information could be given and contributions

accepted. The first coffee was held on July 10, 1971. There were 50 coffees held which produced a total

of $xx.xx in contributions. Other contributions were received from TTT, Diane Fielder, Mrs. George

Bromm, Virginia Lewis, Jan Sylvester, Teresa Treat Stearns Trust, Webster City Kiwanis, American

Legion Auxillary, CWA #7106, High 12, and the Hamilton County Democratic Party.

Freda Weldon and Ed Nass were given the assignment of finding a church to host the day care. We

approached many churches in town, starting with the Methodist Church, but were turned down by all until

we went to the Baptist Church. They let us use their basement. Next we needed a director to set up our

space. Jane Ward Fischer was hired as the first director. She was soon replaced by Sue Adams. Later

Maizie Nedved came on board and operated the center for 21 years. Maizie was replaced in 1992 by Karla

Caquelin, who was on the day care staff for eight years.

Our first year of operation ran from June 15, 1971 to May 31, 1972. The audit for that year was completed

by Olive Bateman and showed:

Receipts -

Special Contributions 4,368.62

Tuition 7,718.76

Reimbursements 454.81

Total $12, 542.19

Expenditures -

Supplies 228.91

Equipment 641.81

Salaries 5,216.35

Babysitting 533.35

Taxes and Ins. 1,050.64

Food 485.18

Utilities 273.34

Miscellaneous 81.58

Total $8,511.26

Balance on hand at year's end 4,030.93

It soon became evident that a group of volunteers was desirable. The Webster City Day Care Center Guild

was organized in August, 1971. Their charter was to promote and advance the welfare of the center. The

guild officers were: Nancy Hahne, Pres.; Jean Golly, Sec-Treas. Charter members of the guild were:

Terry Guthrie, Sally Sinclair, Maureen Seamonds, Carol Crystal, Betty Witt, Sue Mishler, Mary Beth

Martin, and Nancy Hahne.

Day Care Board members were elected to three-year terms, but the first board drew lots for one-year, two-

year, and three-year appointments. After this initial term, all subsequent terms were for three years. A

maximum of two terms was allowed.

After the first year, the Baptists decided to tear down their church and construct a new one on the same site.

The day care needed a new home. Freda Weldon and Ed Nass again were put on the search of a new place.

The Congregational Church offered their basement for the center. This provided much more room. Three

rooms were now available. The halls were set up with cots for the nap time. This church served for many

years until more space was again required. In 1997, the center was moved to the Hilltop School. After

several years the center moved into the old Hy-Vee grocery store where it is now housed.

On August 15, 1973, the Articles of Incorporation were amended to list the registered agent as Howard E.

Myers and the address that changed to 733 Second Street. Wanda Long was listed as President and Shirley

Yungclas as Secretary on the amendment.

In 1974 the board had changed. These officers: Wanda Long, Pres.; Bill Carroll, Vice-Pres.; Ed Nass,

Treas.; Shirley Yungclas, Sec. Board members were: Mark Dohms, John McMurray, Lucy Olson, Freda

Weldon, Don Bottorff, Judy McIntyre, Rev. Clark Noah, Marie Karbula, and Nancy Hahne.

The annual budget for Jun 1, 1975 to May 31, 1976 shows these items.

Proposed Receipts -

Tuition $18,000.00

Contributions 4,400.00

Reimbursement 3,000.00

Total뀉뀉.. 25,400.00

Proposed Expenditures -

Food 4,500.00

Utilities 600.00

Salaries 15,000.00

Taxes 2,500.00

Supplies 500.00

Equipment 900.00

Babysitting 400.00

Insurance 400.00

Laundry 500.00

Pest control 150.00

Miscellaneous 400.00

Total뀉뀉.. 25,400.00

The 1976 minutes reveal the officers as: John McMurray, Pres.; Ken Harfst, Vice-Pres.; Don Bottorff,

Treas.; and Marie Karbula, Sec. Beverly Morgan was hired as the summer cook, as our meals are prepared

by the school during the school year. It was decided at this meeting to hire Marj Nass as bookkeeper for

$20 per month.

On July 16, 1982, the Articles of Incorporation were again amended. The agent was listed as Don J.

Bottorff, and the corporate office was listed as P. O. Box 185, 913 Seneca Street. Mabel Prescott was listed

on the amendment as the President of the Webster City Day Care Center.

There have been many employees at the center over the years. These include directors, care providers,

custodians, substitutes, and bookkeepers. This list shows all employees from Jun 1, 1971 until July 1, 1997

when Marj Nass ended her bookkeeping duties.

Evelyn Abbas, Pam Anderson, Sue Adams, Tina Andrews, Gloria Abbott, Patricia Anderson,

Scott Bierle, Bob Burney, Shelley Brown, Donna Bristow, Mrs. Robert Buckley, Helen Burnett,

Candy Bahr, Nancy Bailey, Cinda Barnes, Sara Brown, Melody Burtnett, Debra Balsley, Russilyn Bever,

Tonya Bierle, Rhonda Bittner, Colette Bertran, Wendy Bryan,Karilyn Cupp, Karla Caquelin, Darlene Caquelin, Leonard Claude, Doug Coons, Carol Clabaugh,

Mary Christensen, Bruce Caquelin, Sue Cook, Carol Clabaugh, Elizabeth Crawford, Michele Chalfant,

Rachel Crawford,Lorraine Draves, Jean Dingman, Mrs. Albert Dreager, Debbie Darling, Teresa Holst DeCoursey

Laurie Esk, Orval Einspahr, Gary Eaton, Nancy Evans,Vicky Ford, Jane Ward Fisher, Cheri Funkhouser, Holly Fisher

Carolyn Greufe, Betty Gumm, Lisa Groves, Julie Gilbert,Cindy Howd, Melody Henry, Melissa Hartman, Lila Holmes, Randy Henry, Minnie Henry, Donna

Horsfall, Mrs. Dennis Hewitt, Donna Heinz, Tamara Hess, Michelle Havinga, Karen Hindley, Selena

Helton, Sue Helton, Tina Janvrin, Kari Jacobson, Mary Karbula, Le Ann Kurpiers, Kathy Kolbeck, Carol Keast, Diane Keech

Kathy Laytham, Laura Lavender, Lorri Lovelace, Mrs. Roger Lyons, Sue Leaf, Amy Lehnus, Lorna

Ludwig, Emlyn Larson, Mary Latham, Diane Lacey, Nathan Lahr, Kristy Leeds, Molly Hinds, Paula

Larson, Heather Lacey, Kimberly Leeds, Connie Lacey, Sonja McConnell, Marcia McMahon, Beverly Jean Morgan, Marilyn Malloy, Sue McCoy, Linda

McFarland, Mrs. Alvin Miller, Mary Mummert, Rose McFadden, Mrs. Robert Martin, Mary Ellen Mallo,

Cheryl Mickelson, Leona Mickelson, June Mundt, Mary Ellen Mallo, Misty Kolbeck McKinney, Janet

Mitchell, Marty McKinney, Carrie McWilliams, Mavis Nedved, Marjorie Nass, Todd Nedved, Charlotte Nichols, Virginia Nilles, Sue Naden, Brian

Nass, Miriam Nass, Tony Nedved, Joni Norton, Mrs. Sampson Opheim, Maye Paul, Joy Pulis Echelberger, Anne Prescott, Missy Peterson

Mark Rebhuhn, Mrs Robert Reed, Kenneth Rebhuhn, Traci Root, Bonnie Rasmussen, Mildred Ryan,

Dennis Rebhuhn, Amber Root, Mildred Scott, Delores Still, Jessie Stoddard, Sally Sinclair, Mary Stapp, Sandy Segar, Dorothy Smith,

Agnes Scott, Don Samuelson, Lynda Scribbins, Terri Severson, Anna Spire, Christine Scott, Cassandra

Stewart, Colleen Sadler, Marcha Stanley, Patricia Scholl, Donna Poland Straight, Mary Trampel, Peggy Trueblood, Andrew Tomashewsky, Tenille Tate

Michelle Ubben, Jeff Villhaver, Lisa Veach, Pam Vinchattle, Julie Verley, Mavis Vogelbacher

Cindy Wing, Sherry Willman, Ileen West, Brenda West, Bertha Weaver, Sue Wilcox, Lisa Westcott,

Laura Ward, Melanie Weaver, Nikki Wignall, Andrea Wilson

Day care directors have been: Jane Ward Fisher, Sue Adams, Mavis (Maizie) Nedved, Karla Caquelin,

Rhonda Bittner, Colleen Sadler, and Colette Bertran.

The day care center was moved from the Congregational Church to Hilltop School on May 16, 17, and 18

of 1997. The school had closed this school earlier so it was available for the day care and Head Start to

share space. A child care coalition was formed to organize efforts to provide space in the former Hy-Vee

Grocery Store. Funds were raised, loans were secured and the former store space was converted into a

modern up-to-date day care center. So, the Webster City Day Care Center moved once again, in June,

2003. As you enter the center, the office is located in the southeast corner of the building. Next there are

two rooms for the youngest children along the south side. On the north side an east room houses a laundry

room, the Head Start room, and a room of three-year olds. A large multi-purpose room in the center of the

building serves the four year-olds and the children in the before and after school program. A complete

commercial kitchen is located at the west end of the building. All meals for the children are located here.

Colette Bertran reported at a Diamond K Kiwanis meeting in 2004 that the center now cares for about 200

children and has a staff of 22.