R function to find prime numbers
Post date: Jun 26, 2015 4:46:42 PM
# This function returns all prime numbers less than n
# n - input to the function
# Note: 1 is not a prime by definition
is.prime = function(n)
n = as.integer(n)
if(n > 1e8) stop("n too large")
primes = rep(TRUE, n)
primes[1] = FALSE
last.prime = 2L
fsqr = floor(sqrt(n))
while (last.prime <= fsqr)
primes[seq.int(2L*last.prime, n, last.prime)] = FALSE
sel = which(primes[(last.prime+1):(fsqr+1)])
last.prime = last.prime + min(sel)
}else last.prime = fsqr+1