Research Papers

Publications (*/** indicates undergraduate/graduate student co-authors):

    • Wang, H. (2018). The spatial structure of farmland values: A semiparametric approach. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, forthcoming.

    • Wang, H. (2018). Pricing used books on A spatial approach to price dispersion. Spatial Economic Analysis 13(1): 99-117.

    • Wang, H. (2018). Incorporating urban spatial structure in agent-based urban simulations. In: JC Thill and S Dragicevic (eds) Spatial Analysis and Location Modeling in Urban and Regional Systems (Springer’s Advances in Geographic Information Science Series), pp. 143-165, Springer.

  • Wang, H. (2017). Home improvement investment in rural America: Spatial pattern and determinants. In: D Albrecht et al. (eds) Rural Housing and Economic Development, pp.249-271, Routledge.

    • Wang, H. (2016). A simulation model of home improvement with neighborhood spillover. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 57: 36-47.

    • Wang, H. (2016). Accounting for adaptation in assessing impact of climatic variations on crop yields: An empirical study of Arizona. Journal of Water and Climate Change 7(1): 224-239.

    • Wang, H. and C. J. Chang. (2013) Simulation of housing market dynamics: Amenity distribution and housing vacancy. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) 2013: 1673-1684.

    • Market response to flood risk: An empirical study of housing values using boundary discontinuities. Revise & resubmit at: Natural Hazards Review.

    • Irrigation efficiency and water use in U.S. agriculture. Revision & resubmit at: Water Policy.

    • The Economic Drivers of Crop Monoculture: Evidence from the US Midwest (with Ariel Ortiz-Bobea). Under review.

    • Vulnerabilities of U.S. rain-fed agriculture to temperature and intra-seasonal progression of soil moisture (with Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Carlos M. Carrillo, Toby R. Ault). Under review.

  • Estimating flood risk impact on farmland values using boundary discontinuity: evidence from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Under review.

  • Determinants of trademarking: evidence from Arizona and New Mexico startups (With Shuming Dou*). Under review.

Working in Progress:

  • Interactions between private and public lands in determining the optimal timing of new housing development (with Allen Klaiber);

  • Willingness to pay for air quality in a declining manufacturing region (with Richard Ready);

    • A dynamic model of home improvement investment;

  • Trade shock and crop production: A study of U.S. Sorghum production;

  • Heat stress and dairy production in the Southwest: evidence from a long panel;

  • When shipping cannot be free: Identifying shipping decision in the context of price competition.