Assalaamu-Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu

It is our pleasure to introduce to you the Halal Board of San Diego (HBSD); its goals and objectives.

Allah, the Master of all glory and honor tells us in his Book:

"O you who believe! Eat of the lawful things that We have provided you with, and be grateful to Allah, if it is indeed He Whom you worship." [2:172]

Halal Board of San Diego is formed to:

  • Facilitate access to Muslim businesses selling or serving halal meat.

  • Promote Muslim owned businesses by raising their visibility across the nation

  • Identify the stores in the San Diego county area are selling or serving Halal (Zabiha) meat.

  • Identify any business that may be trying to deceive the Muslim community with poor quality meat or meat that is not Halal.

Halal Board of San Diego believes in strengthening the community and its businesses through facilitating better access, useful communication, and building trust.

The Board is supported by the respectable organizations like and Former attracts a large number of San Diego Muslims; latter is famous worldwide.


Halal Board of San Diego wishes to:

  • Schedule an inspection visit

  • Visit a Muslim Business

  • Identify the sources of the meat

  • Verify the sources and their methods of slaughter

  • Certify the Business

Such certifications will be announced on the web sites mentioned above. A certification sticker will also be posted in the facility to further raise the visibility.

This will be an invaluable service for the Muslim community and its businesses, Insha Allah, and everyone from the community is welcome to be a part of this noble cause, as this is a volunteer based organization, with returns expected only from ALLAH, the Almighty. We are also proud to be the local chapter of Halal Advocates aka HFSAA (Halal Food Standards Alliance of America)

Jazaakum Allahu Khairan