
Research Interest

Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Management.

Recent Working Papers and Drafts

"Anchoring and subjective belief distributions," UCD Centre for Economic Research Working Paper Series 2024:7 (co-authors: Margaret Samahita, Roel van Veldhuizen, E Wengström

Selected Publications

"Cooperation with Strangers: Spillover of Community Norms," Organization Science 34 (6), 2315-2331, 2023  (co-authors: Mario Molina, and Victor Nee)

"No Mood Effects in the Field: The Case of Car Inspectors," Journal of Economic Psychology, 96, 2023 (co-author Margaret Samahita).

"Cooperation Beyond the Network," Organization Science 33 (2), 495-517, 2022 (co-authors: Ronald S Burt, and Sonja Opper). 

"Competition Makes Inspectors More Lenient: Evidence from the Motor Vehicle Inspection Market," Review of Industrial Organization 61, 45-72, 2022 (co-author: Osmis Habte).

"Robust Inferences in Elicitation Tasks," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 61, 195–209, 2020 (co-authors: Ola Andersson, Jean-Robert Tyran and Erik Wengström).

"Grind or Gamble? An Experimental Analysis of Effort and Spread Seeking in Contests," Economic Inquiry, 58(1), 169-183, 2020 (co-authors: Ola Andersson and Erik Wengström).

"Strategic Decisions: Behavioral Differences Between CEOs and Others," Experimental Economics, 23, 154-180, 2020 (co-authors: Victor Nee and Sonja Opper).

"Risking Other People's Money," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 122, 648-674, 2020 (Co-authors: Ola Andersson, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström).

"Learning to Trust: From Relational Exchange to Generalized Trust in China," Organization Science 29(5), 969-986, 2018 (co-authors: Victor Nee and Sonja Opper).

"Curating Social Image: Experimental and Evidence on the Value of Actions and Selfies,"Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 148, 83-104, 2018 (co-author: Margaret Samahita).

"Risk Aversion and Guanxi Activities: A Behavioral Analysis of CEO:s in China," Academy of Management Journal 60(4),  2017 (co-authors: Sonja Opper, Victor Nee).

“Risk Aversion Relates to Cognitive Ability: Fact or Fiction?" Journal of the European Economic Association, 1129-1154, 14:5, 2016 (co-authors: Ola Andersson, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström).

"Deciding for Others Reduces Loss Aversion," Management Science 62(1), 29-36, 2016 (co-authors: Ola Andersson, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström)

“Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden,” Games 4(3), 497-507, 2013 (co-author: Ola Andersson).

"Entrepreneurs under Uncertainty: An Economic Experiment in China," Management Science 59(7), 1671-1687, 2013 (co-authors: Sonja Opper and Victor Nee).

“Can economics explain where all-inclusive deals are offered?” Tourism Economics 19 (2), 339-348, 2013 (co-author: Christian Bladh).

“Double-Blind In Light of Internet – Note on Review Processes”, Information Economics and Policy, 23, 24-26, 2011.

“Truth and Lie Detection in Bluffing”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 76, 318-324, 2010.

“Face-to-Face Lying – an experimental study in Sweden and Japan”, Journal of Economic Psychology 31, 310-321, 2010. (co-author: Toshiji Kawagoe).

 “Endogenous Communication and Tacit Coordination in Market Entry Games – an explorative experimental study”, International Journal of Industrial Organization 28,  477-495, 2010 (co-author: Ola Andersson).

“Collective Trust Behavior”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(1), 25-53, 2010 (co-author Paul Nystedt).

“Trust in Surveys and Games – a methodological contribution on the influence of money and location”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 29(4), 522-42, 2008 (co-author Paul Nystedt).

“Markets Are More than Bits”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 63 (2), 256-261, 2007.

“Do You Trust Your Brethren? Eliciting Trust Attitudes and Trust Behavior in a Tanzanian Congregation,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 62(2), 255-71, 2007. (co-author Anders Danielson).

"Choosing Bargaining Partners - An Experimental Study on the Impact of Gender and Income", Experimental Economics, 8:3, 183-216, 2005 (co-author Peter Engseld)

"Tropic Trust versus Nordic Trust. Experimental Evidence from Tanzania and Sweden", Economic Journal, 115, 505-532, 2005. (co-author Anders Danielson)

”Intra-Generational Trust - a Semi-Experimental Study of Trust Among Different Generations”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58(3), 403-419, 2005. (co-author Paul Nystedt)

"Rights and Decentralized Computation", Metroeconomica, 55: 2-3, 290-317, 2004.

"Can Economic Theory Explain Piracy Behavior?", Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 3 (1), 2003.

“The Demand for Information Services and the Market Structure", Journal of Economics, 77:2, 155-83, 2002.

"Gender Based Focal Points" Games and Economic Behavior 32, 292-14, 2000.

"Transparency Preference and Economic Behavior", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 37, 349-56, 1998. (co-author Fredrik Andersson)

"Genetic Information and Investment in Human Capital", Journal of Health Economics 16, 435-52, 1997.

"Prisoners' Dilemma or the Jury's Dilemma : a story with a dubious name", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, (Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft), 151, 699-702, 1995.

"Computational Cost of Verifying Enforceable Contracts", International Review of Law and Economics, 15, 127-40, 1995.

"Predicting the Effects of Intervention and Sabotage in a Boundedly Complex Game", Mathematical Social Sciences, 24, 321-42, 1992.