CV Long

Håkan J. Holm



Bachelor of Philosophy, Lund University, 1987.

Visiting PhD student: UCLA 1990-1991.

PhD., Department of Economics, Lund University, 1993.


Positions at the Department of Economics at Lund University

Senior Lecturer                                                                                     930901-990630

Assistant Professor                                                                            991001-030930

Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor                                       000101-041215

Professor                                                                                                   041216-

Director of Research Education 090101-140101

Head of Department 170101-191231

Position at the Faculty Level at School of Economics and Management at Lund University

Vice Dean for Research Education 240101-


Scientific Qualifications


List of Publications



Friare kommuner och arbetsmarknadspolitiken, Ds 1989:21, Allmänna förlaget, Stockholm (Co-author Jan Peterson).

Complexity in Economics, an automata theoretical approach, Lund Economic Studies, 1993.


Articles in International Research Journals

"Predicting the Effects of Intervention and Sabotage in a Boundedly Complex Game", Mathematical Social Sciences, 24, 321-42, 1992.

"Computational Cost of Verifying Enforceable Contracts", International Review of Law and Economics, 15, 127-40, 1995.

"Prisoners' Dilemma or the Jury's Dilemma : a story with a dubious name", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, (Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft), 151, 699-702, 1995.

"Genetic Information and Investment in Human Capital", Journal of Health Economics 16, 435-52, 1997.

"Transparency Preference and Economic Behavior", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 37, 349-56, 1998. (co-author Fredrik Andersson)

"Gender Based Focal Points" Games and Economic Behavior 32, 292-14, 2000.

"The Demand for Information Services and the Market Structure", Journal of Economics, 77:2, 155-83, 2002.

"Can Economic Theory Explain Piracy Behavior?", Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 3 (1), 2003

"Rights and Decentralized Computation", Metroeconomica, 55 (2-3), pp. 290-317, 2004.

"Intra-Generational Trust - a Semi-Experimental Study of Trust Among Different Generations", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58, 403-419, 2005. (co-author Paul Nystedt)

"Tropic Trust versus Nordic Trust. Experimental Evidence from Tanzania and Sweden", Economic Journal, 115, 505-532, 2005. (co-author Anders Danielson)

"Choosing Bargaining Partners - An Experimental Study on the Impact of Gender and Income", Experimental Economics, 8:3, 183-216, 2005 (co-author Peter Engseld)

“Do You Trust Your Brethren? Eliciting Trust Attitudes and Trust Behavior in a Tanzanian Congregation,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 62, 255-271. 2007 (co-author Anders Danielson).

 (16) “Markets Are More than Bits”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 63 (2), 256-261, 2007.

“Trust in Surveys and Games – a methodological contribution on the influence of money and location”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 29(4), 522-42, 2008. (co-author Paul Nystedt).

“Collective Trust Behavior”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(1), 25-53, 2010. (co-author Paul Nystedt)

Endogenous Communication and Tacit Coordination in Market Entry Games – an explorative experimental study”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28, 477-495, 2010. (co-author: Ola Andersson)

“Face-to-Face Lying – an experimental study in Sweden and Japan”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 31, 310-321, 2010. (co-author: Toshiji Kawagoe).

“Truth and Lie Detection in Bluffing”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 76, 318-324, 2010.

“Double-Blind In Light of Internet – Note on Review Processes”, Information Economics and Policy 23, 24-26, 2011.

“Can Economics Explain Where All Inclusive Deals Are Offered?” Tourism Economics 19 (2), 339-348, 2013 (co-author: Christian Bladh).

“Entrepreneurs under Uncertainty: An Economic Experiment in China”, Management Science 59 (7), 1671-1687, 2013 (co-authors Sonja Opper and Victor Nee).

“Speech is Silver; Silence is Golden”, Games 4, 497-507, 2013.

“Deciding for Others Reduces Loss Aversion” Management Science 62(1), 29-36,  2016 (co-authors: Ola Andersson, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström).

"Risk Aversion Relates to Cognitive Abilitiy: Fact or Fiction?" Journal of the European Economic Association 14:5, 1129-1154,  2016 (co-authors Ola Andersson, Jean-Robert Tyran, Erik Wengström).

"Risk Aversion and Guanxi Activities: A Behavioral Analysis of CEO:s in China," Academy of Management Journal 50, 1504-1530, 2017 (co-authors: Sonja Opper and Victor Nee).

"Curating Social Image:Experimental and Evidence on the Value of Actions and Selfies," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 148, 83-104, 2018 (co-author: Margaret Samahita).

“Learning to Trust: From Relational Exchange to Generalized Trust in China," Organization Science 29(5), 969-986, 2018 (co-author: Margaret Samahita).

"Risking Other People's Money," Forthcomming in Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2019 (co-authors: Ola Andersson, Jean-Robert Tyran and Erik Wengström).

"Strategic Decisions: Behavioral Differences Between CEOs and Others," Forthcoming in Experimental Economics 2019 (co-authors: Victor Nee and Sonja Opper).

"Grind or Gamble? An Experimental Analysis of Effort and Spread Seeking in Contests," Economic Inquiry, 58(1), 169-183, 2020 (co-authors: Ola Andersson and Erik Wengström).

"Robust Inferences in Elicitation Tasks," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 61, 195-209, 2020 (co-authors: Ola Andersson, Jean-Robert Tyran and Erik Wengström).

"Cooperation Beyond the Network," Organization Science 33 (2), 495-517, 2022 (co-authors: Ronald S Burt, and Sonja Opper). 

"Competition Makes Inspectors More Lenient: Evidence from the Motor Vehicle Inspection Market," Review of Industrial Organization 61, 45-72, 2022 (co-author: Osmis Habte).

"No Mood Effects in the Field: The Case of Car Inspectors," Journal of Economic Psychology, 96, 2023 (co-author Margaret Samahita).

"Cooperation with Strangers: Spillover of Community Norms," Organization Science 34 (6), 2315-2331, 2023  (co-authors: Mario Molina, and Victor Nee)

Contributions in Books

”The Rocking Horse as a Trojan horse” in K. Velupillai (ed.), Nonlinearities, Disequilibrium , and Simulation, Macmillan, 1992.

“Rights and Decentralized Computation”, chapter 11, in K. Velupillai (ed.), Computability, Complexity and Constructivity in Economic Analysis, Blackwell, 2005.

“An Experiment on Equilibrium Selection – the relative unimportance of context”, chapter 13, in S. Zambelli (ed.), Computability, Constructive and Behavioral Economic Dynamics, Routledge, 2010.


Writings in Swedish

”Illusionen av kontroll och lottobeteende och ekonomiska beslut”, Ekonomisk Debatt, 3, 277-88 (2000) (co-author Peter Tengzelius)

”Julgåtor”, Ekonomisk Debatt, 8, 2000 (co-author Anders Danielson)

”Piratkopieringens ekonomi och politik”, Ekonomisk Debatt 8, 707-719, 2002.

”Kan multilaterala förmedlingsavgifter vara konkurrensbegränsande?”, Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift 2, 2010.

”Företagsledare och Strategiska Beslut,” SNS Analys nr 61, 2019.


Consultancy Reports

"Lojalitetsprogram ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv", report commissioned by the Swedish Competition Authority, 2000.

"Ekonomisk teori om vertikala konkurrensbegränsningar" chapter 2 in "Prisstyrning genom rekommenderade cirkapriser", Swedish Competition Authority Report Series 2001:6.

“Inblandning av återförsäljare i vertikal prissättning En analys av rekommenderade priser i fallet Volvo Personvagnar Sverige och dess återförsäljare”, report commissioned by the Swedish Competition Authority, 2004.

“Inblandning av återförsäljare i vertikal prissättning En analys av rekommenderade priser i fallet Volvo Personvagnar Sverige och dess återförsäljare”, report commissioned by the Swedish Competition Authority, 2004.

” En ekonomisk analys av detaljhandelsmonopolet på marknaden för alkoholdrycker,” report commissioned by the Swedish Competition Authority, 2004.

”Bilaterala och multilaterala förmedlingavgifter i kortbetalningssystem - en teoretisk analys av märkbarhet”, report commissioned by the Swedish Competition Authority, 2005.

”Prisgarantier och omteckningsrätter på elmarknaden”, report commissioned by the Swedish Competition Authority, 2007.

”Vertikal uppdelning mellan produktion och handel på elmarknaden – en nationalekonomisk analys”, Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, 2007.

” En analys av transaktionskostnader vid offentlig upphandling”, report commissioned by the Public Procurement Committee, The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, 2011.

“Inför prisregleringen av fjärrvärme – Vilka lärdomar kan dras av ekonomisk teori och empiri?”, report commissioned by the Swedish Competition Authority, 2013:1.


Newspaper articles

”Alkohol – den fria monopolmarknaden”, Aktuella frågor, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 16/1, 1994.

”EU-bordet redan dukat”, Aktuella frågor, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 10/10, 1994.

”Priset på el konstant högt”, Aktuella frågor, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 23/10, 1996.

”Det räcker inte med enkla moraliska principer”, Sirenen, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 30/12, 1996 (co-author Fredrik Andersson).

”Symbolisk avveckling”, Aktuella frågor, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 5/2, 1997.

”Ge tv-chefer fallskärm”, Brännpunkt, Svenska Dagbladet, mars, 1999. (co-author Fredrik Andersson).

”Moderna Upphovets Musse Pigg lagar”, Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt, 9/6, 2006.

”Vattenfalls garanti skadlig för priser på elmarknaden”, Dagens Nyheter, Debatt, 20/6, 2006.

”Väck inga zombieföretag!”, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 4/3 2009.

”Intellektuell frihet för forskare”, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 2/8, 2013.

"Ministerns ord kan påverka bomarknaden," Svenska Dagbladet, 19/2, 2016.

"Långvariga stöd kan skada ekonomin," Svenska Dagbladet, 6/11, 2020.

"”Dags för geografisk differentiering av priser på Systembolaget?” 27/8, 2021.


Contributions to the Public Debate in Economics

"Behövs Ekonomisk Debatt?" Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 1, 1999, 3-4. (co-author Anders Danielson)

"Den Ålderdomliga Tv-avgiften", Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 8, 1999, 479-481. (co-author Anders Danielson)

"Nittonhundratalet och Marknaden", Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 1, 2000 (co-author Anders Danielson), 3-4.

"Flygresenären - en lojalt flygande mutkolv?", Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 2, 2000, 115-116. (co-author Anders Danielson).

“Klimatkonferensen på Bali – och sedan?” Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 8, 2007

“Arbetar- eller Ägarregering, Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 2, 2009.


Comments and Replies

"Replik till Rickard Wall: En hushållade med knappa forskningsanslag", Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 5, 2000,  479. (co-author Anders Danielson)

"Replik till Thorburns kommentar", Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 5, 2000, s 783-787. (co-author Peter Tengzelius)

”Ekonomisk Debatt i slutet av dess tredje decenium”, Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 6, 2002. (co-authors: Matz Dahlberg and Eva Johansson)


Book Reviews

”Effektivitet i ekonomisk analys”, Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 21, 1993, 772-773.

"Ekonomirådets rapport 2002: Gränslös konkurrens. Sverige i ett integrerat Europa", Journal of the Swedish Economic Association 3, 2002. 276-279.


Project Management and Research Activities

I have been responsible as a head (PI) for the following externally funded research projects:


Project Title                                                                                       Financier

- Computational and Informational -                               The Jan Wallander Foundation

aspects on Institutions (1993-96).

- Information and Competition (1998-2000).            The Tore Browaldh Foundation

- Discrimination in Economic                                               The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary

Bargaining (1998-2003).                                                   Foundation

- Trust Experiments between                                               The National Social Insurance Board

Generations (2002-2007)

- Communication in Games (2007-2011)                     The Jan Wallander Foundation

- Competition and Risk-Taking                                            The Swedish Competition Authority

an Experimental Approach (2011-)

- Characteristics of Entrepreneurs and Their:           The Crafoord Foundation

Firms an Experimental Approach (2012-2013)

-Self Image and Economic Behavior (2014-)   The Handelsbanken Research


- Effects of Competition on the Market   The Swedish Competition Authority

for Car Inspections (2015-2018)

- Causes of Heterogeneity in Beliefs                     The Handelsbanken Research

and Behavior (2019-2022)                                                 Foundations

 -Business Leaders' Characteristics The Bank of Sweden

and Decisions (sabbatical) (2023) Tercentenary Foundation.

Moral Decisions: Leaders, Groups, The Handelsbanken Research 

and Dimensions (2024-) Foundations


I have also participated in many projects as a co-PI or as a contributing researcher. These projects have had many different financiers including The Swedish Research Council, The Crafoord Foundation, The National Institute of Public Health, The Swedish Competition Authority, The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, and the John Templeton Foundation, and Vinnova.

Invitations, Visits abroad, and Conferences

Invited Presentations

I have been invited to give presentations at the following departments:

1992: Department of Economics, Stockholm University.

1995: Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

1998: Department of Economics, Stockholm University.

1999: Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

2000: Department of Economics, University of Linköping.

2000: Department of Economics, Växjö University.

2002: Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

2003: Department of Economics, Stockholm University.

2003: Swedish Competition Authority, Stockholm.

2004: Department of Economics and Statistics, Göteborg University.

2004: Department of Economics, University College, London University.

2005: Department of Economics, Växjö University.

2006: Loyola Marimont University, Los Angeles, USA.

2006: Tindbergen Institute, Amsterdam.

2007: Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, Eskilstuna.

2008: Department of Economics, University of Innsbruck.

2009: Research institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm.

2009: Department of Economics, Umeå University.

2010: Bilkent University, Ankara.

2010: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Duisburg-Essen.

2010: Mercator School of Management, University of Duisburg-Essen.

2011: CSES, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca.

2013: WZB, Berlin, Germany.

2013: Euromed Management, Marseille.

2014: Faculty of Business Management and Economics, Universität Würzburg, Germany.

2014: CSES, Department of Sociology, Cornell University, Ithaca

2015: WZB, Berlin, Germany.

2015: Dept. of Economics, Universität Rostock, Germany.

2017: Dept. of Economics, University of Verona.

2018: DEMM, University of Milan, Italy.

2019: ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

2023: Department of Economics, Umeå University, Sweden

2023: Tindbergen Institute, Amsterdam 


Participation in conferences/workshops: a selection

1993: Society for Economic Dynamics and Control, Nafplio, Greece, 1993.

1994: European Society for Law and Economics, Lund, Sweden, 1994.

1995: Third European Conference on Health Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995.

1996: Economic Science Association/ Public Choice meeting, Houston, USA.

1999: Economic Science Association/ Public Choice meeting: New Orleans, USA.

1999: European Economic Association, Annual Congress, Santiago di Compostela, Spain.

1999: Economic Science Association Regional Meeting, Grenoble, France.

2000: Economic Science Association Regional Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

2000: Economic Science Association/ Public Choice meeting: Charleston, USA.

2001: European Economic Association, Annual Congress, Lausanne, Switzerland.

2001: Economic Science Association World meeting, Barcelona, Spain.

2001: Economic Science Association / Public Choice meeting San Antonio, USA.

2002: Zeuthen Workshop, Behavioral Economics, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2002: Workshop on Computability, Constructivity and Complexity, Trento, Italy.

2002: Economic Science Association / Public Choice meeting San Diego, USA.

2003: International Society for New Institutional Economics, Budapest, Hungary.

2003: European Economic Association and Econometric Society, Stockholm, Sweden.

2003: Economic Science Association / Public Choice meeting Nashville, USA.

2004: International Conference, Experiments in Economic Science, Kyoto, Japan.

2004: Economic Science Association World Meeting in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

2005: Economic Science Association, European Meeting, Alessandria, Italy.

2005: International Society for New Institutional Economics, Barcelona, Spain.

2005: Public Choice meeting, New Orleans, USA.

2006: Economic Science Association North American Meeting in Tucson.

2006: Econometric Society, European Meeting, Vienna, Austria.

2006: International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, Paris, France.

2006: Economic Science Association, Asian Meeting, Hongkong, China.

2007: French Economic Association, Lyon, France.

2007: IMBE, Malaga, Spain.

2008: Econometric Society, Latin American Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2008: Nordic Conf on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2008: INEM, Madrid, Spain.

2008: Fudan-Lund Economic conference, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

2008: Contests Theory and Applications, Stockholm, Sweden.

2009: European Public Choice Society, Athens, Greece.

2010: Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Helsinki, Finland.

2010: ESA World Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2010: Shanghai Forum, Fudan University, China.

2011: Rationality and Irrationality, Stockholm, Sweden.

2011: ESA Asian-Pacific Conference, Kuala Lumpur.

2012: Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Bergen, Norway.

2012: Royal Economic Society, Cambridge, UK.

2012: ESA Asian-Pacific Conference, Xiamen, China.

2013: Copenhagen Network for Experimental Economics, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2013: Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Stockholm, Sweden.

2013: WEAI Pacific Rim Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

2014: European ESA-meeting, Prague, Czech Republic.

2016: Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Oslo, Norway.

2016: SIOE, Paris, France.

2016: Contests: Theory and Evidence, Norwich, UK

2016: IMEBESS, Rome, Italy.

2017: IMEBESS, Barcelona, Spain.

2018: Symposium on the Future of the Social Sciences IV, Cornell Club, NY, US.

2018: Experimental Economics and Entrepreneurship, CBS, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2023: Symposium on the Future of the Social Sciences V, Cornell Club, NY, US.


Studies, Research Abroad and International Invitations

- UCLA, USA 1990-91 (visiting PhD student).

- Northwestern University, USA 1998. Kellogg Graduate School of Management. (Invited to conduct experiments).

- University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2001 (to conduct experiments)

- University of West Indies Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica, 2003 (to conduct experiments).

- WZB, Berlin, (sabbatical), 2015.

- Cornell University (sabbatical) Spring 2023. 





-The Erik Lindahl, Grant, 2001. (Awarded to an “excellent young” Swedish economist)

-Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic Review, 2007-2008.

-Certificate of Excellence in Refereeing, Journal of Economic Psychology, 2013

- Best paper award in Entrepreneurship (with Victor Nee and Sonja Opper), Organization of Management, 2016.


Faculty Discussant

- Licentiate thesis, Ali Ahmed, University of Växjö, Sweden (2004).

- Licentiate thesis, Karen Khachatryan, Stockholm School of Economics (2008).

- Doctoral thesis, Joakim Ahlberg, Örebro University (2012).

- Doctoral thesis, Xiaojun Yang, University of Gothenburg (2013).

- Doctoral thesis, Emil Persson, University of Gothenburg (2016).

-Doctoral thesis, Joakim Semb, Stockholm School of Economics (2023).


Opponent on End Seminars /External Examiner

Fredrik Andersson (licentiate treatise), Lund University.

Paul Nystedt (PhD. thesis) Lund University.

Peter Martinsson (PhD. thesis) (doktorsavhandling) Lund University.

Mattias Lundbäck (PhD. thesis) Lund University.

Thomas Paulsson, (PhD. thesis) Jönköping International Business School.

Adam Jacobsson (PhD. thesis) Stockholm University.

Tobias Heldt (PhD. thesis) Uppsala University.

Minhaj Mahmud (PhD thesis) Göteborg University.

Zoe Bett (PhD thesis) University of East Anglia, UK.


Member in the grading committee on the following PhD. theses:

Mattias Ganslandt, Department of Economics, Lund University.

Magnus Jiborn, Department of Philosophy, Lund University.

Peter Martinsson, Department of Economics, Lund University.

Peter Hjortlund’s PhD., University in Aalborg,.

Thomas Paulsson, Jönköping, Department of Economics, International Business School.

Thomas Ericsson, Department of Economics, Lund University.

Jenny Säve –Södersbergh, SOFI, Stockholms University.

Kristian Sundström, Dept of Economics, Lund University.

Markus Glader, Faculty of Law, Lund University.

Minhaj Mahmud, Dept of Economics and Statistics, Göteborg University.

Therese Lindahl, Dept of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

Lena Winslott Hiselius, Dept. of Economics, Lund University.

Alberto Naranjo, Dept. of Economics, Stockholm University.

Robert Östling, Dept of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

Robertas Zubrickas, Dept of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

Mustafa Yildirim, Dept of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.

Jörgen Kratz, Dept of Economics, Lund University.

Sanna (Ericsson) Bergvall, Lund University

Devon Spika, Lund University


Organization and Responsibility for Conferences (a selection)

- "Bounded Rationality" (1993) workshop with Thomas Sargent.(Conference assistant)

- "Computable Economics" (1994) workshop med Kumaraswamy Velupillai (1994).(Conference secretary)

- ”Focal Points” (1997) with Thomas Schelling as keynote speaker. (Organizer with Fredrik Andersson and Hans Carlsson.)

- ”Experimental Economics” (2000). (Initiator and organizer with Fredrik Andersson).

- “Communication in Games and Experiments” (2007). (Organizer with Hans Carlsson.)

- “6th Nordic Conference of Experimental and Behavioral Economics” (2011). (Organizer with Bo Larsson, Emma Svensson and Erik Wengström).

- "What can Institutional Economists Learn from Laboratory and Field Experiments? (2014). (Organizer with Emma Svensson and Erik Wengström)

- "Arne Ryde Workshop: The Copenhagen Network of Experimental Economics (2016). (Organizer with Natalia Montinari and Erik Wengström)

- "Arne Ryde Workshop: The Future of Advanced Economic Research (2016). (Organizer). 

- "Identity, Image and Economic Behavior" (2016). (Organizer with Ola Andersson, Fredrik Lundtofte, Natalia Montinari, Erik Wengström)

- “Arne Ryde Workshop Experimental Methods in the Study of Firms, Management and Entrepreneurs” (2017). (Organizer with Sonja Opper).

-  "Arne Ryde Workshop: The Copenhagen Network of Experimental Economics (2019). (Organizer with Roel van Veldhuizen)

 “15th Nordic Conference of Experimental and Behavioral Economics” (2023). ( with P Campos-Mercade,  E Ranehill, R van Veldhuizen and E Wengström).

Referee for Recruitment/Appointments

Member of several recruitment committees at the Dept of Econ at Lund University (from 2011-2020).

Blekinge Technical Institute, referee for the recruitment of a Lecturer in Economics (2001).

College of Management, Academic Studies, Israel, Associate Professor (2007).

Växjö University (2008), Appointment (Associate Professorship).

Copenhagen University, Associate Professor (2012).

Stockholm School of Economics, Associate Professor (2015, 2018).

Georgetown University, Associate Professor (2018).

Stockholm University, Professor (2020).


Editorial Experience

- Editor of the Journal of the Swedish Economic Association (with Anders Danielson as co-editor) 1999-2000).

- Experimental Economics: Financial Markets, Auctions and Decision Making, (Kluwer, 2002): Together with Fredrik Andersson.

- Associate Editor of the Journal of the Swedish Economic Association (2007-2009)

- Member of the Editorial board of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (2013-)


Other Scientific Assignments:


- Witness in The Swedish Market Court in the “Eurobonus case” between SAS and The Swedish Competition Authority (2000).

- Member of reference group at the Ministry of Finance concerning the reports

*"Politik på prov: en ESO-rapport om experimentell ekonomi" (2002-3)

*"Är upphandling ett effektivt miljöpolitiskt styrmedel? " (2012-2013)

- Member of the Council for Competition Research at the Swedish Competition Authority in Stockholm. (2003-6, 2006-9)

- Appointed Economic Expert at the County Administrative Court of Stockholm (2007-2016).

- Appointed Economic Expert at the District Court of Stockholm (2010-2012, 2013-2016).

- Appointed Economic Expert at the Swedish Market Court in Stockholm (2011-2016).

- Member of international panel to evaluate applications for the “Marie Skłodowska Curie International career grant” at the Swedish Research Council (2015).

- Appointed Economic Expert at the Patent and Market Court at the Stockholm District Court (2016-2018, 2018-).

- Reviewer for Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019)

- Reviewer for Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (2016)

- Expert, Swedish Higher Education Authority (2017)

- Member of review panel (HS-B) at the Swedish Research Council (2009-2011, 2020-).

- Appointed Economic Expert at the Patent and Market Court at the  District Court of Stockholm (2024-2028).

- Appointed Economic Expert at the Patent and Market Court of Appeal at the Svea Court of Appeal in Stockholm (2024-2028).



Referee assignments:

American Economic Review, B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy, Contemporary Economic Policy, Econometrica, Economic Inquiry, Economics and Philosophy, European Economic Review, European Journal of Operations Research, Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Applied Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Management Studies, International Review of Law and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of Socio-Economics, Labour Economics, Management Science, Metroeconomica, Planning and Markets, Public Choice, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, The European Journal of Finance, The Review of Economics and Statistics.

Reviewer for a monograph at Routledge (2003) and a textbook for Addison Wesley (1996).


Invited presentations at conferences:

-Invited discussant at conference on Experimental Entrepreneurship at Schloss Ringberg, organized by the Max Planck Institute in Economics, Germany (2009).

-Invited presenter at the Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance (2011) at Tilburg University.

-Invited presenter at the Workshop on Behavioral Experiments in the Natural Setting (2016), organized by the Center for the Study of Economy and Society, Cornell University.

-Invited presenter at the conference on Experimental Economics and Entrepreneurship (2018), CBS, Copenhagen, Denmark.

-Invited presenter at the Symposium on the Future of the Social Sciences IV (2018), Cornell Club, NY, US.

-Invited presenter at the Symposium on the Future of the Social Sciences V (2023), Cornell Club, NY, US.


Reviewer of Research Projects:

-  Proposal reviews for research projects at National Science Foundation (NSF) in USA, at the Israel Science Foundation, and at the Swiss National Science Foundation. 

-International panel member for the evaluation of research projects in Business and Economics at the Independent Research Fund, Denmark (2017, Chairman: 2018, 2019, 2020)

-International panel member for the evaluation of Exploratory Research Projects at  the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal 



Fellow at the Center for the Study of Economy and Society at Cornell University, USA. 

Pedagogical Qualifications



Main supervisor for

Anna Lugnér-Norinder (Licentiate, 2003)

Mikael Stenkula (Licentiate, 2002, PhD, 2004).

Erik Wengström (Licentiate, 2006, PhD, 2007).

Emma Svensson (PhD, 2012)

Margaret Samahita (PhD, 2017)

Alemu Chala (PhD, 2017)

Osmis Habte (PhD, 2018)

Hampus Poppius (PhD, 2020)


Co-supervisor and assisting supervisor:

Ola Andersson (Licentiate, 2007, PhD 2008, co-supervisor).

Jens Dietrichson (assisting supervisor)


Currently supervising: James Nunn (main supervisor), Carin Rehncrona (assisting supervisor).



In total I have taught thousands of classroom hours and on all levels, that is from introductory courses to PhD. courses. Courses I have taught:

Introductory level:

                      Microeconomic analysis and political economy.


                      Financial Economics

                      Law and Economics (certain parts at the Faculty of Law at Lund University)

Intermediate level:

                      Intermediate Microeconomics (level B)

                      Intermediate Microeconomics (level C)

                      Industrial organization

Advanced and Phd-level

Complex decision processes (with Anders Sannerstedt, Department of Political Science, Lund).

Master of European Economic Affairs (together with other teachers).

Advanced microeconomics

Ph-d courses

           Neural Nets (with David Edgerton)

Experimental Economics (with Fredrik Andersson, Martin Dufwenberg, Georg Kirchsteiger)

            Experimental Methods and Behavioral Economics

Perspectives on Methods in Economics (leader of one of the seminars)

Institutional Economics (with Fredrik Andersson, Carl-Hampus Lyttkens, Sonja Opper)

Strategic Interaction (with Tommy Andersson, Hans Carlsson).

 Pedagogical Awards

In 1997 I received the award for being the best teacher at the Lund University School of Economics and Management.


Research Information / Contacts with the Society

Citations in the public media (a selection):

Aftonbladet, Dagens Eko (Swedish Radio), Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Finanstidningen, Göteborgsposten, Radio Stockholm, Rapport SVT (Swedish Television), Shortcut, Svenska Dagbladet, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, TV4-nyheterna, Verdens Gang in Norway. 


Management and Leadership

- Director of the Doctoral studies, Department of Economics, Lund University from 2009-2014.

- Deputy Head, Department of Economics, Lund University, 2009-2014.

- Head of the Department of Economics, Lund University, 2017-2019

- Chair of the international panel for the evaluation of research projects in Business and Economics at the Independent Research Fund, Denmark (2018-2020).

- Chairman of the Arne Ryde Foundation, 2015-2021.

-Chair of the panel for the evaluation of research projects in Business,  Economics, Statistics, Economic History, Cultural and Economic Geography, and Demography at the Swedish Research Council (2022, 2023) 

- Vice Dean for Research Education at the School of Economics and Management at Lund University (2024-)

-Chairman of the Berge Foundation (2024)
