
(4) RAPID-Plus Initiative (September 2023 - August 2024). Funded by the New Jersey Department of Education (American Rescue Plan - Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund.

Total award: $748,829.

Role: Evaluator

(3) Opportunity for postsecondary excellence and success: Mitigating and expanding students' learning opportunities. Funded by New Jersey Opportunity Meets Innovation Challenge Grant.

Total award: $1,500,000.

Role: Evaluator

(2) Mitani, H (PI). (July 2021 - September 2023). Performance-based compensation systems and principal job performance. Funded by AERA-NSF Research Grant.

Total award: $25,000.

(1) Mitani, H (PI). (July 2017 – June 2018 ). Are they different or the same? Identifying leadership skills necessary to run high-needs schools and their effects on student achievement. Funded by Rowan University.

Total award $10,000.