Xibalba Model 100 Legacy

The following files are mirrored from Shawn M. Brisbin's website (xibalba.com) that had a collection of TRS-80 Model 100 Software until it went offline around the time the Mayan calendar rolled over. I think Mr. Brisbin would appreciate the work we've done to dig up his long gone site as he was (is?) an archaeologist with the University of Calgary. (You can read about his work with the Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance).


Memory map.

Memory map.

Machine language operations.

Map of RAM.

Map of ROM.

How to build your own disk drive cable for the Tandy Portable Drive 1.


Black Jack game.

Adventure game.

Adventure game (from CoCo - modified by SMB)

Adventure in ancient Jerusalem (from CoCo?)

Adventure game on the moon.

Adventure in a haunted house.

Othello game adapted from the Colour Computer.

Run a city-state in medieval times.

Trap the Snake (NEC version)

Model 100 adaptation of snake0.ba

Graphic game - destroy the enemy!

Written by myself, this original game has the player operating a submarine and blowing up a convoy.

Adventure game.

Utilities - Barcode Reader:

Tandy programs for the barcode reader. Contains the following programs: 3of9.co, baread.ba, invcre.ba, invent.ba, plesy.ba, plesy.co, usc.ba, usc100.co

Test program for the barcode.

Contains the following files: wand.ba (RAM loader for the .CO file), wand.co and wload.ba (loader for wand.co from cassette). No documentation.

Utilities - BASIC:

Auto line number incrementer for basic programming.

Renumber a basic program (as a .DO) - from PCM Mag (Mar. 84)

Utilities - Business:

Economic Analysis Tool (from PCM Magazine)

Creates price tags on labels

Utilities - Civil Engineering:

Flow rates

Sewage - Future Usage Estimator

Water - Future Consumption Estimator

Utilities - Function Keys

Function key reprogram.

Function key reprogram.

Function key set program

Utilities - Machine Language

load, execute and erase .CO - restores file copy and reclaims himem (Dec. 83 by KJB)


Loader for zbg.co

M100 ZBG Assembler

Utilities - Modem

Persistant dialer (don't use hyphen in number)

Instructions for xmdm2.ba

Xmodem program

Utilities - Printer

Prints .BA to LPT:

Spirograph-like program for the CGP-115

Banner program for the CGP-115 pen printer.

Spirograph-like program for the CGP-115.

Super CGP printer routine

Prints disassembled code to printer

Sets linefeeds for printer (Tandy printers only?)

Modified print.ba program - allows usage of disk files within Power DOS.

Utilities - RAM

Displays file locations in RAM

Shows current memory map

Displays current memory contents

Dumps a copy of the current memory map to cassette

Displays memory location and filesize of current RAM files.

Displays filename and size of current RAM files.

Displays filesizes of current RAM files

Hide and unhide files in RAM

Clears maxram

Helps you kill programs in RAM

RAM File Utility (ver. 2.00) - with cassette support.

RAM file print utility