

So tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999!

While the Dreamcast has plenty of great single player games, my personal preference is for experiences that are fun to share with other people. From questions I've seen online, it seems that I'm not alone. So here is Hackerb9's official list of the absolute best party games for the Dreamcast.

I've written a little shell script for Unix called "dreamroast" which can burn a directory of files to a CD-R such that the disk is bootable on a dreamcast. It's not perfect, but it's already better than any of the alternatives. (For one, it actually works with modern versions of cdrecord). I've released this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

I've written a HOWTO on using cdirip with cdrecord to burn "Disc Juggler" .cdi files. The take-home message is: burn the first session using the -dao option to cdrecord; don't use -cut.

I've been doing some reading up on what to do when all your controllers fail at once. There's a fuse that needs replacing, but many of the other websites have incorrect information about the fix. So, I've written up my own guide.

Contrary to all reasonable expectations, Disney's Dinosaur is actually a pretty good game. Unfortunately, many people get stuck at the first screen and give up. Not exactly a spoiler or a walkthrough, here are the missing instructions for Disney's Dinosaur.