Academic Research

I worked in the area of Control of Multivariable Systems, with application to multi-axis piezoelectric actuators, very known in micro/nano positioning and manipulation tasks (atomic force microscopy, cells manipulation, etc). In addition to the high accuracy, high precision and the very high operation speed required for such tasks, the control of piezoelectric actuators has to take into account hysteresis and creep phenomenons, which are natural behaviors specific to piezoelectric materials. The control strategy has also to consider cross-couplings between different actuators axis and ensure good working performances in the presence of variations of conditions, such as an increase in temperature.

Another challenge, which is specific to micro/nano applications, is the lack of physical space to install feedback sensors. This challenge has recently given rise to a number of Feedfoward (Open-loop) control techniques, adopted as an alternative to classical Feedback control techniques.

My PhD Advisors


(Thesis Co-Director)

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Prof. Yann LE GORREC

(Thesis Director)

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An image from one of my setups on

Control of Piezoelectric Tubes