
Type of research work: Synthesis and experimental probing of multifunctional materials.

Figure: A hierarchical representation of functional material. The possibility of having intriguing response are enabled when two or more than two ordering are governed by same cause.

Research Interest

Multiferroics are an emerging class of functional material. The multifunctionality in such material is enable by the cross coupling between two or more than two of ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity, ferroelasticity or ferrotoroidic order. Ni3V2O8, MnWO4, Cu3Nb2O8 or TbMnO3 are example of type-II multi-ferroics which are magnetically e.cient to break symmetry of spatial inversion.The magnetically driven phase ordering, ferroelectricity, rarely develops simultaneously loss of paramagnetic symmetry. The evolution of secondary phase occurs at relatively lower temperature than paramagnetic temperature. This happens due to noncollinearity does not appears below the paramgnetic temperature because paramagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition involves two step process of magnetic ordering within the same incommensurate wave vector. Second magnetic ordering, are quite attractive, activates improper-potential-activity as a secondary phase. In most of case the secondary phase is associated polar activity by the loss of spatial inversion symmetry. the intriguing property of polar magnetic material in order to address secondary physical aspect that are highly anticipated for active contribution in technological application. The secondary physical aspects, very special, are not realized with the phase transition which are associated with simply only one type of ferroic ordering. Multi-ordering type activity, i.e. unusual type of physical behaviour, in single phase are driven improperly when adjacent magnetic interaction are strongly coupled to orbital-lattices. These coupling are well known to enables a various physical properties e.g. multiferroics, magnetoelectric, magnetocapacitance, etc. With the presence of such unusual phenomenon, spintronics based devices can be fabricated for the low energy consumption. In order to characterize the nature of synthesized sample, origin of multiferroicity, we probe effect of magnetic field on pyroelectric current, dielectric constant, crystal structure and spin arrangement. Among all this, magnetodielectric is realized quite efficient probing tool for the determination of governing mechanism. Sometimes when trouble is received due to charge trapping, we prefer magnetocaloric route of material characterization to investigate the presence of magnetostructural transition.