Guillaume Haeringer
Incontestable Assignments, with Benoît Decerf and Martin Van der Linden.
Minimizing Settlements, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 106, # 102840 (2023).
High Frequency Fairness, with Hayden Melton.
Unraveling, with Hanna Halaburda, in Online and Matching-Based Market Design, Federico Echenique, Nicole Immorlica and Vijay V. Vazirani, Editors. Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).
The Microeconomics of Cryptocurrencies, with Hanna Halaburda, Joshua Gans and Neil Gandal. Journal of Economic Literature, 60 (3), 971-1013 (2022).
Gradual College Admission, with Vincent Iehlé. Journal of Economic Theory, 198, #105378 (2021).
Two-sided Matching with (almost) One-sided Preferences, with Vincent Iehlé. Web Appendix, Pseudo code, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 11, 155-90 (2019).
Bitcoin: A Revolution?, with Hanna Halaburda, in Economic Analysis of the Digital Revolution J. Ganuza and G. LLobet (eds), Funcas (2018).
Monotone Strategyprooness, with Hanna Halaburda, Games and Economic Behavior, 98, 68-77 (2016).
Appariements: des modèles de Lloyd Shapley à la conception de marchés d'Alvin Roth, with Françoise Forges and Vincent Iehlé, Revue d'Économie Politique, 123, 663-696 (2013)
Better-reply Dynamics in Deferred Acceptance Games, with Hanna Halaburda,
Environmental Cooperation: Ratifying second-best agreements, with Pierre Courtois, Public Choice, 151, 565-584 (2012).
A Characterization of the Single-Peaked domain, with Miguel Ángel Ballester, Social Choice and Welfare, 36, 305-322 (2011).
A comment on: School choice: an experimental study, with Caterina Calsamiglia and Flip Klijn. Journal of Economic Theory, 146, 392-386.
Decentralized Job Matching, with Myrna Wooders. International Journal of Game Theory, 40, 1-28.
Enjeux stratégiques du concours de recrutement des enseignants-chercheurs, with Vincent Iehlé. Revue Économique, 61, 697-721 (2010).
Constrained School Choice: An Experimental Study, with Caterina Calsamiglia and Flip Klijn, American Economic Review, 100, 1860-1874 (2010).
Constrained school choice, (longer version with more results), with Flip Klijn, Journal of Economic Theory, 144, 1921-1947 (2009)
Bilateral Commitment, with Sophie Bade and Ludovic Renou, Journal of Economic Theory, 144, 1817-1831 (2009)
More Strategies, more Nash Equilibria (technical appendix), with Sophie Bade and Ludovic Renou Journal of Economic Theory, 135, 551-557 (2007)
A New Weight Scheme for the Shapley Value Mathematical Social Sciences, 52, 88-98 (2006).
Equilibrium Binding Agreements: A comment, Journal of Economic Theory, 117, 140-143 (2004)
On Cooperation in non-cooperative Games (in French), Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 103, 175-190 (2003).
Stable Hedonic Networks, in "Heterogenous agents, interactions and economic performance, Eds. Robin Cowan, Nicolas Jonard, Lecture Notes in Econom. and Math. Systems, Springer Verlag, 521 (2001).
"Stable Coalition Structures with Fixed Decision Scheme,'' in "Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents," Eds. Alan Kirman, Jean-Benoît Zimmermann, Lecture Notes in Econom. and Math. Systems, Springer Verlag, 503 (2000)
Weighted Myerson Value, International Game Theory Review, 1, 187-192 (1999)