The Witan [Counsellors]

The Gerefa [Steward]

Eadmund Malcolm Dunstall was born in 1944. In 1966 he was appalled by the general mindless celebrations of the Battle of Hastings in 1066, and went into Tenterden High Street with a petition, asking that the Battlefield should be left as a place of quiet meditation, rather than be made the scene of unseemly rejoicing. He managed to obtain over 250 signatures, and took these to the Hastings Borough Council offices. On the 14th October he laid a wreath on the site believed at that time to be the place where King Harold’s standard was set up. Subsequent excavations have revealed the high altar of Battle Abbey, and a stone, known as the Haroldstone, now marks the place where it stood.

Eadmund has taken part in many more ceremonies since then in the Fellowship that he founded to celebrate the Englisc civilization. He has always been adamant that the English in general should know more about their true history.