Peer-Reviewed Economics Publications
“Energy Efficiency and Directed Technical Change: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation,” Review of Economic Studies (2024) 91 (1): 192-228.
Open-Access Working Paper: CESifo (2022)
"A Generalized Uzawa Growth Theorem," Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics (2024) 2(2): 336-373. (with Ryo Horii)
Open-Access Working Paper: ISER (2023)
"Understanding Climate Damages: Consumption versus Investment" European Economic Review (2024) 167: 104799. (with Stephie Fried and Matthew Gibson)
Special issue on Climate Risks and the Economy associated with a conference held at FRBSF in 2023
co-Recipient of the 2023 "Innovative Research in the Economics of Climate Change" award from IZA
Non-Technical Summary: FRBSF Economic Letter 2024-14| LSE Business Review
Media Coverage: Bloomberg | Reuters | Washington Center for Equitable Growth (1, 2)
Open-Access Working Paper: FRBSF 2024 | CESifo (2023)
"Unemployment and the Direction of Technical Change," European Economic Review (2024) 168: 104802.
Open-Access Working Paper: CESifo (2024) | Williams (2023)
"Projecting the impacts of temperature change: The role of macroeconomic dynamics," IMF Economic Review (2023) 71: 688-718. (with Stephie Fried and Ethan Goode)
Special issue on "Transformational Recovery: Seizing Opportunities from the Crisis"
Non-Technical Summary: FRBSF Economic Letter 2023-15.
Media Coverage: Interview on Faster, Please!
Open-Access Working Paper: CESifo (2023)
Policy Citation: Council of Economic Advisors (2024)
“Historical Instruments and Contemporary Endogenous Regressors,” Journal of Development Economics (2021): 102586. (with Marc Klemp)
Open-Access Working Paper: Williams (2021) | CESifo (2020)
Media Coverage: Cherokee Gothic | Econometrics Beat | Broadstreet | Marginal Revolution (link)
Policy Citation: Nobel Prize Committee (2024)
Peer-Reviewed Interdisciplinary Publications
"The Impact of Climate Change on Fertility" Environmental Research Letters (2019) 14: 054007. (with Soheil Shayegh, Juan Moreno-Cruz, Martin Bunzl, Oded Galor, and Ken Caldeira)
Media Coverage: Vice | Daily Beast (paywall) | Daily Mail | National Affairs (link)
Policy Citation: Council of Economic Advisors (2023)
"Is faster economic growth compatible with reductions in carbon emissions? The role of diminished population growth" Environmental Research Letters (2017) 12: 014003. (with Oded Galor)
Media Coverage: EnvironmentalResearchWeb | Blog Illusio | Grist | National Affairs (link)
Policy Citation: UN Global Environmental Outlook 6, Chapter 2 (2019)
"Inequality and Fractionalization" World Development (2014) 56: 32-50. (with Ann Owen)
"Good News, Bad News and Consumer Confidence" Social Science Quarterly (2013) 94: 292-315. (with Ann Owen)
Other Publications
"Population and Energy Consumption/Carbon Emissions: What We Know, What We Should Focus on Next," International Handbook of Population and Environment (2022), Hunter, Gray, and Veron Editors: pp. 421-428 (with Brant Liddle)
"Benefits and Costs of the Population and Demography Targets for the Post-2015 Development Agenda" (2014) Perspective paper prepared for the Post-2015 Consensus Project of the Copenhagen Consensus Center. (with Oded Galor)