D-11 2018 Letters

Sent Email Date: 01-22-18 to all NC District 11 Candidates:

I am writing you to let you know about some very active and successful folks in Yancey County that I have crossed paths with of late.

It may interest you that this group of people have taken the lead in raising the issue of Big Money Corruption in Politics Reform via the platform of Represent.US. They literally put Burnsville and Yancey County on the map ( it should be noted that the map is not able to be current due to the recent new chapters forming so quickly these last months.)by cultivating the seeds for Root Level Change to the problem. 

Their efforts, guided with the skilled and effective leadership of Heather Dawes, have been responsible for shepherding their local jurisdiction's elected officials to take a stand on this issue, first in June then again in October of 2017.  Each effort resulted in certified registered letters being sent to the current District 11 Representatives and Senators  by the County and Town Clerks. They join with the Piedmont folks in Carrboro, North Carolina who have also been successful advancing the Reresent.US agenda of the American Anti Corruption Act.

I have enjoyed speaking with you and hope you might consider reaching out to the folks in Yancey County to learn more about what they would like to see take place within NC District 11 in 2018.

It is a certainty that Heather Dawes can be reached by making contact with her, and the Burnsville NC Chapter of Represent.US via <link>.

I was my pleasure to meet Heather during an event in Burnsville which ultimately resulted reaching hundreds of folks in the district. The first event, a play which told the story of Doris Haddock, aka "Granny D" was so well attended that another was scheduled. Subsequently, Burnsville and Yancey County have gone on record in support of putting an end to the legal corruption and change how we elect our representatives in this Republic. They are actively engaged and DemandProgress to have their elected officials Represent.US. It is a purely cross partisan/independents group.

Thanks for your effort of placing your in the public area by becoming a candidate in 2018.

Charles Gregory



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