
Change.  Great Change. Change from our toes on up to the stars.

I call my self a "transistor kid" because I was born in the year of the solid state transistor.  A pretty big deal in the Twentieth Century.  I am writing this in the Twenty-First Century, I am of the Twentieth Century.  I think about that and am blown away at what changes I have been so privileged to be alive as they have unfolded.

Mission, I am demonstrating it by developing this website with my primitive fingers teamed up with a device that I speak into, bounce that off a satellite, and produce this page you are viewing to invite a partnership in change with you. On a cellphone a Samsung Galaxy Note3, a 3x2 screen, voice activated editing, publishing on the www, during my lifetime, who would'a thunk it? Now, it's a Samsung S22 ultra, in 2022.

Mission, To be involved as a partner with folks who are just beginning to see themselves as the newest of change agents of the Twenty-First Century. Young people such as one of my personal heroes, Aaron Swartz,  whom I am awestruck by what they can see,  dream, and put all of their passions into "Demanding Progress". Book End like, I shall also continue with my partnerships with my own contemporaries working to sustain our generation's demand for progress.


My mission includes the use of Bucket List Industries (BLI) with its Products and Services, BLIps - BLIPS - as a tool to sustain my daily goal of "Dare to be great."  A little quote picked up during this man's youngest readings. Some days greatness is getting up at a pragmatic early morning time, other days it might be standing up on a table, in a crowded cafeteria and, with a welcoming smile, be a voice in the room as a moment's facilitator when the need arises. 

Also, there are always days when thee most important thing is to simply listen to that still quiet voice inside and just follow it; those inevitably are beginnings of very great days.

The root of my mission is most clearly seen as I step back and then, when I discover that somehow, someway, for some season I stopped living with this conscious intention - in that moment I put both hands back on to the rope, and pull.    

I say, "Sharing is Caring"