I Believe Evanka

This is not easy to for me to acknowledge, I have a TON of baggage about her and her dad.

At best, I believe they are human beings, that is harder for me to do than I like to admit.

Donald Trump was my President. 

I didn't, nor would I ever, vote for him. 

He is a coward in my book.

The Constitution, however, which I took an Oath to, fortunately, guides me enough so I understand that I am one of many, and together we work as a Nation. 

I offer you this challenge too. Below is the...

Daily challenge we face as we go about our business, and the Constitution is the best thing I am aware of to help us do it, together, and even though not always well, we get through it to another day and can work towards the dream to "...form a more perfect Union."

The best part of his Presidency - I see him as thee Poster Child for how much danger we live with, daily.  His Brother in Spirit, Roscoe Conkling, used the same methods as Donald to cause us to live under the idea that Corporations are People in such a distorted way as to cause danger, harm and death to Natural People; a malignant growth, and parent to Donald's Legacy. 

Yet, too, these are really just the same dangers the Federalists faced when they "marketed" the  Constitution, and they prevailed. Thankfully. 

The rest I let history demonstrate this paper's value.

Bottom line:

We can do this, even though one of my brothers or sisters died, having been Drafted, in Donald's Place, cowards shall never be absent in our struggles together to be the best we can be, one day at a time, We Can Do Our Best, still.

I respectfully ask you to consider drilling down - Note: I am 72. I offer this challenge especially to my neighbors not of the Baby Boomer Generation. - starting with Ivanka's statement date of June 9th, 2022 as shown during the J6th Hearing of Congress, and travel back to:

The 2016 United States presidential election was the 58th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The Republican ticket of businessman Donald Trump and Indiana governor Mike Pence defeated the Democratic ticket of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and U.S. senator from Virginia Tim Kaine, in what was considered one of the greatest upsets in American history.