Bucket List Industries
Bucket List Industries Projects & Services
Projects of Special Interest only.
Did we talk recently? <---Click Here are some pathways about what our conversation was about. Thanks again for letting me hear your thoughts, good chance they will have an influence on this site, and anyone else we "bump into".
2025 this site has begun a MAJOR EDITING & MAINTENANCE effort, it may not be completed until 06-15-25 Many errors will be likely until then.
It's been through a decade of tech changes, Maintaining it has never been a priority. It has become unavoidable at this point. Ugh...
Happenings Right Now
Also, leading the way... is the
American Anti-Corruption Act and the organization named below.
Wait at least 24 hours before donating, if at all.
Generally, they are GREAT about what they do, but are well funded, IMHO, think Retirement Fund, while it too is deserved, how important is that Today?
This is the MOST important Link----> American Anti-Corruption Act
January 2025
Thanks for coming to this site. It is terrible... I know that.... take a web design 101 class, this would be an example of what NOT TO DO!
Please keep in mind that this site was produced as I participated in The New Hampshire Rebellion - One Question Project and used only my Samsung Note 3 smartphone while walking the route of the Rebellion.
Nine years of a world without Aaron Swartz, yet his Spirit continues to change this world. Our world.
Arrogance? I think not. The New Hampshire Rebellion flourishes still. 2016 New Hampshire Primary changed everything by giving focus and purpose to the anger, in a Powerful and Positive way.
As evidence, I offer reporting of the 2016 Primary results and analysis.
Posted Feb 10, 2016
Only two candidates addressed the NHR Question. Thereby providing the basis for this reporting.
Bernie: ... But the rules have changed. Voters these days don’t care much about those kinds of political assets. They think Washington is dysfunctional because it is corrupt, and that it is corrupt because it has been captured by people who have turned the nation’s government into their own little sinecure nest. Sanders captured this sentiment when he said today’s political system is “not what democracy is about; it’s what oligarchy is about.”
Donald: ...in his New Hampshire victory speech, he said they really aren’t so stupid when they cut their political deals. “They make them,” he said, “for their own benefit, not for the country’s benefit.” Thus did he echo Bernie Sanders’s suggestion that the country’s political system seems to be veering toward oligarchy.
The New York businessman emphasized the significance of his self-funding campaign. The other candidates are pouring money into campaign commercials, he said, “but it’s not their money. It’s special-interest money.”
Who won New Hampshire? New Hampshire Rebellion, Bernie & Donald
I continue today, using a Note 3, Note 4, Note 9, and S22 - but my Agent Orange experience has made my ability to walk to be very limited in nature; consequently, I now continue the effort using a 2016 Ford Transit Stealth Camper Van to move across the country engaging in the same conversations I had during the New Hampshire Rebellion. The NHR is one of the projects that has given birth to the current Democracy Movement. Why? How? Well, simply put, my personal experience is that I have NEVER been able to find even one person, within the spectrum of citizens within the boundaries of the farthest Right or Left, Conservative or Progressive, Wealthy or working person striving to get through the day working two or even three jobs attempting to make a living, that disagrees with our Founders idea of creating a "more perfect Union." within a democratic framework of this Democratic Republic which they gave birth to.
Today, more than ever, CORRUPTION is nearly a USELESS WORD. Use it and watch any listener's eyes glaze over. Of course, by its nature, it is not a welcomed idea. But due to the melding of the technologies of 1776 and the 21st Century, now CORRUPTION HAS another NEW VOICE, Equal Citizens is one of the latest iterations of this REBIRTH of the Democracy Movement and is now repairing our corrupt system of electing our Representatives, Senators, and President, we have the tools never before available to take back our Republic using the democratic principles enshrined within the Constitution and continue to improve on it, as we did as the Amendments were added to it. There shall be a decision most likely around July 4th, 2020 announced by the Supreme Court of the United States which shall provide fundamental Constitutional clarity regarding the Electoral College. SCOTUS choose to address this issue on January 17, 2020, as it selected our issue from the pool of thousands of cases submitted to it to rule on in the 2020 session.
Amendments are not needed to solve and correct what corruption has done to our system. Broken.... yes. Repairable... YES. What began with folks like Doris Haddock and Aaron Swartz, has turned into a bonafide Democracy Movement as evidenced by the number of Democracy Reforms in 2018-2019. Never in the history of the United States has so much actual change taking place within our legal and election systems in such short a time. Momentum is overwhelming, in the work of unrigging the system, making the established power brokers IRRELEVANT. They are no incentives for them to make the needed changes. So, we, as equal citizens, are doing what we do best.... we are fixing it ourselves and it is happening beyond party lines, shoulder to shoulder, together we are taking back our vote from the lobbyists and special interests and have our elected officials REPRESENT US, not money.
The list goes on. Too many to list here but here are just a couple of them... Michigan enacted legislation that destroyed the old-style Gerrymandering System, via a campaign that started out as a simple Facebook Page and had the requirement of membership of being a person able to NOT use the word DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN, it recruited thousands of volunteers, and was absolutely successful in defeating the old style political strategy of Gerrymandering. There are eight million more folks able to cast their votes using the concept of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) instead of choosing the lesser of two evils they had to use before. There, is the first time in history is a Congressperson served since 2016 due to RCB and a change in campaign financing.
The New Hampshire Rebellion project which I was one of the nineteen "through walkers", as reported in various New Hampshire media outlets, changed the landscape for the Presidential Election of 2016 and continues to this day to have corruption REPAIR Issue One.
The goal of the New Hampshire Rebellion was to make CORRUPTION a sustained issue and to have it be the major issue during that election cycle. Today, we have President Trump. We nearly were able to actually vote for Bernie Sanders.
From where I view the world, BOTH were considered JOKES when "they threw their hats into the ring".... THE WERE NOT THE JOKEs after the first primary in that election cycle of 2016. IMHO, the two jokes were no longer after the primary. Why? From their own diametrically opposite sides of the spectrum, and in their own display of their unique characters, THEY ANSWERED THE QUESTION! The other candidates didn't..... they just did the "dance" of BS we all are accustomed to with candidates to high offices. The BIG $ of the Democratic Party sabotaged Bernie, so clearly so, that the Chairwoman of the Party had to resign over the issue. The BIG $ of the Republican Party who poured all their money into "anybody BUT Trump also failed their status quo candidates. Mr. Trump was the perfect storm. His own big $ - no committee of establishment Republicans needed; a savvy man whose understanding of mass media and reality tv, ie: The Apprentice; AND he had 12 million Twitter followers before the campaigning when even President Obama, the most famous man on the face of the earth - also a savvy social media type - had only 8 million Twitter followers; PLUS Mr. Trump, in his own special style "Answered the question" during the debates which the entire country now wanted to know - " Drain the Swamp". The Princeton Study of 2014 said that 96% of this country thought of the electoral campaign process as "The Swamp" and HATED IT.
What was that question? --- From Granny D to Aaron Swartz the question evolved to:
""What specific reforms will you advance to end the corrupting influence of big money in politics?"
Now, at the time of this writing, April 2019, and from my perspective and experience, this movement has grown from maybe a few hundred folks to the millions category, with the organization called REPRESENT.US as what might be called the clearing house lead group, NOT BI-PARTISAN - but POLY-PARTISAN and as of March 2019, expects to push towards the 11,000,000 mark of folks working towards the goals of Granny D and Aaron Swartz and taking back the Republic from the hands of Big $ and lobbyists.
Unfortunately, HR1 passed in the house a few weeks ago. Unfortunately--- because it was legislation sponsored by Big D democrats. There ARE very similar bills proposed by much more Conservative AND Progressive groups. Sadly, IMHO, because of the Big D sponsorship, it shall arrive in the Senate and die. The same thing would happen if the roles were reversed. That's why the REPRESENT.US strategy is so wise. Congress is irrelevant on this, what is working is from the bottom up, local to the state than the nation.
You probably got to this site because of meeting me on a sidewalk. That is why there is so much hope for me. Aaron Swartz demonstrated how folks from the far extremes of the political spectrum can and do work together on THIS issue. It is NOT the people with radically different opinions and philosophies that are the problem, quite the contrary... it is the CORRUPTION of our system that IS THE PROBLEM.
Left, Right, Center there is a group of folks working for Campaign Finance Reform that probably aligns with your political perspective. Here's a list of groups which covers EVERY part of the spectrum. List of Organizations.
Moments in time.
With the complexity of a Drip,
Wave like in effect are these ripples of Permanence
Panama City, Panama
Travel Advisory Remain in Place
Broward County, FL
Madison County, NC
New England Krewe
Jun 2nd - 9th
Mars Hill, NC
Annual Firefly
Charlotte, NC
Meet Up
Asheville, NC
Represent Us
Chapter Recruiting
Knoxville, TN
Side Walk Pageantry
Represent US
New Hampshire Rebellion
All Day
Pack Square
Asheville, NC
Side Walk Pageantry
Represent US
New Hampshire Rebellion
Town Meeting
Marshall, NC
Granny D
Aaron Swartz
Demand Progress
Root Strikers
New Hampshire Rebellion
Jennifer Lawrence New Short Film
American AntiCorruption Act
Charlotte, NC
Chapter Recruiting
January 2019
Providence, RI
LISA Conference
Large Installation System Administration
Oct 29th & 30th
Free Software Foundation
ATO Conference
All Things Open
Raleigh, NC
Oct 21 - 23
Free Software Foundation
New England Region
Advocacy Contacts
Lexington Kentucky
Security & Liberty
for Expediter Community
June 2018
Mars Hill
North Carolina
BLIPs Mobile Unit
Ford Transit Build
Through 05-30-18
Historic Victory
the Senate voted to save net neutrality!
Now we have to win in the House.
52-47 margin and huge momentum.
..at the last minute, TWO undecided senators swung our way.
It is a game changer....
June 11th, unless Congress stops them, the FCC is scheduled to end net neutrality.
Ton's of money on this, we will not see much change right away. Too many of us watching and it would provide more evidence of how bad it might get. The changes will be
rolled out very s l o w l y....
The strategy shall probably be very much tailored to have us one day just go... wow.... had did that actually happen?
Hampden, MA
EWR & Manhattan
Rocking the Boat
Showing Off
The Switches
Passing Out
The FLOSSing
Circle B Ranch
Asheville, NC
Main Street
Marshall, North Carolina
Business Owner Recruiting
Business Owners Committed to take action ASAP.
Heading to Mars
Hills that is:
Madison County
North Carolina
been out on the road 6 weeks this trip &
discovering more supporters enroute with
April 27th, 2018
Librem13 Showing
Go Geeks
Tech's Review
East Longmeadow, MA
April 23rd, 2018
Librem13 Fun
April 18, 2018
UnBoxing Event
7-9 PM
April 14, 2018
Advance Work Prep
ICONICA Social Club
Northampton, MA
March 31st, 2018
Caregiver Support Krewe
Northampton, MA
March 24 - 30, 2018
Brunswick, Thomaston, Rockland
March 21-23, 2018
LibrePlanet Conference
December 7, 2017
12 PM
Net Neutrality Action
Vance Monument
Asheville, NC
Demand Progress
November 13, 2017
Yancey County NC
Passes Two
Demanding Progress
Again & Wins for
All of US!
October 24th 2017
Go, Granny D!
Madison County
North Carolina
Represent.US Burnsville Chapter
American Anti-Corruption Act
During Public Comments Session
September 27, 2017
Senator Burr & Tills offices
Net Neutrality
July 4, 2017
Today it can be said:
"Nicely Done Burnsville, North Carolina!"
Passing not just one, but two Resolutions
based upon the American Anti-Corruption Act (AACA)
Having just become a formal Chapter
of Represent.US, this Chapter
brought two Resolutions up for consideration to the Burnsville Town Council, and they BOTH were passed.
June 30th 2017
Henderson, North Carolina
Art - Music - Discussion Event
Discussion group for American Anti-Corruption Act
Chapter of Represent.us looks imminent!
Stay tuned or write me if you want to join these folks. They are fun, music is great and the the art is amazing!
June 29th 2017
Asheville, North Carolina
Public Advocacy in the park for Buncomb County Activists
June 28th 2017
Speaking with business leaders about the American Anti-Corruption Act
Very favorable response.
June 26th 2017
Town Council Meeting
Burnsville, North Carolina
6 PM
Presenting 2 Resolutions
in support of
In North Carolina
June 15th 2017
Burnsville NC
Now an official chapter of
June 1st, 2017
Town Council Meeting
Burnsville, North Carolina
6 PM
Chapter Forming in Yancey County
May 25, 2017
In support of American Anti-Corruption Act
Burnsville Town Council
Burnsville, North Carolina
April 1oth, 2017
March 25-26, 2017
March 9th - 12th, 2017
Task Group
Yancey County Area
North Carolina
The American Anti-Corruption Act
March 9, 2017
6:15 PM
Yancey County Public Library
Little Conference Room
Fighting Political Corruption
Action Group
Progress Report of Lobbying in Raleigh
Review & Discussion of other organizations doing anti-corruption work.
Friday, March 3rd, 2017
Granny D - Go Granny, Go!
Burnsville Town Center
7:30 PM
March 3, 2017
6 PM
Yancey County Public Library
Conference Room
Fighting Political Corruption
Action Group
Reporting of Progress with Gerrymandering in NC Action
Represent.us Review & Discussion
February 24, 2017
Yancey County Public Library
Conference Room
Fighting Political Corruption
Action Group
January 31st 2017
Burnsville, North Carolina
4 PM
Wiser Together Cafe.
Located at the far end of the Blue Ridge Medical Center.
Follow up from the super success on the 21st.
Demand Progress RootStrikers New Hampshire Rebellion MayDayUs RepresentUS
folks shall be outside that location. Look for us doing the Granny D work.
Sister March
January 21st 2017
Burnsville, NC
1:30 PM Town Center
Go Granny, Go
Play + Q&A
Aaron Swartz & Granny D
January 2oth
The Election Dialogues
Asheville, North Carolina
June 15th
Pack Square Asheville
Come on down and share some time with others who are also working towards putting the us back into US political system. All around the country folks are gathering together to create change and Demanding Progress.
May 26th
Evolution. Demanding Progress lessons. For Me a PTSD moment to Pack Square conversations with others questing for ....a more perfect Union.
From so many States, so many thoughts, and forward to glimpses of other's efforts toward same end. Belief in the possible of now. From one child's mind to millions of other's efforts in concert with each other knowing not exactly the spot of assembling but, assembling none-the-less and effective beyond the greatest of hopes.
May 14th
Democracy Spring March & Rally in Raleigh
Democracy Spring North Carolina
call to action in Raleigh to bring folks from across the State to
join in with so many others from across the Nation to campaign
and make political corruption illegal. More....
Yup, hard to believe but much of it is actually quite legal and we can change that pretty easily. It is not a fast project, but it is doable. To want Congress to REPRESENT US is a desire shared by the entire political spectrum , non-partisan in nature. Benjamin Franklin has been saying this, from Day One, as a participant in the Miracle in Philadelphia, knowing full well that from that day forth, "...in order to form a more perfect Union...." would require such things as this Rally in Raleigh.
April 19th, 2016
Back home from DC now working Madison County, and Asheville North Carolina. You can find me at pack Square in downtown Asheville trying to spread the word on our recent success and next steps.
April 7-18, 2016
Democracy Spring
Washington, DC
In the Belly of the Beast!
DC with Democracy Spring.
Join In - in front of Union Station, you will see the big tent. Or, online: www.democracyspring.org, my twitter feed: #greg411dotme or 860 CT area code w HOW-BUSY
See what is happening Real Time Right Now - more....Greg's Twitter Feed #greg411dotme
As of today over 1,400 folks have gone to jail demanding progress regarding Getting the Corrupting Influence of Big Money out of how we elect folks!
BTW if you are one of the 4% of folks whom the Princeton Study said believes that is not to much money in politics, please find me on Capitol Hill today, I have not found anyone since I went to the Canadian Border January 11th, 2014 when many of us gathered to honor Aaron Swartz. I want to hear the merits of your argument, REALLY! I have been looking for you since the day count below. Not one of you have I found!
Hey there! Glad you stopped by and here is more information about what we probably talked about and what got you here in the first place.
Until April 19th, 2016 I am pretty much doing full time work with the Democracy Spring Campaign and planning on taking part in the largest non-violent civil-disobedience in a generation.
Resource Links for Fighting the Corrupting Influence of $ in Politics: