Learning & Optimization in Systems & Control

L&O reading group

We read and present some of the latest (e.g. preprint or early access) papers on learning, optimization, and game theory that are affine with system and control theory, to appear in top journals (e.g., SIOPT, SICON, Automatica, TAC, TNNLS) and conferences (e.g., ICLR, NIPS, ICML, CDC)

Meeting ID:


Fall 2021, Friday, 15:00 (CET)




Barbara Franci

October 8

Liu et al. - Distributionally robust equilibrium for continuous games: Nash and Stackelberg models

Sergio Grammatico

October 22

Romano, Pavel - An inexact-penalty method for GNE seeking in games with dynamic agents

Wicak Ananduta

November 5

Feyzmahdavian, Johansson - Asynchronous iterations in optimization: New sequence results and sharper algorithmic guarantees

Emilio Benenati

November 19

Belgioioso et al. - Sampled-data online feedback equilibrium seeking: Stability and tracking

Suad Krilasevic

December 10

X. Cai et al. - Distributed continuous-time strategy-updating rules for noncooperative games with discrete-time communication

Luyao Zhang

January 14

M. Wang et al. - Game-theoretic planning for self-driving cars in multivehicle competitive scenarios

Spring 2021

Mattia Bianchi

February 12

Hassan-Moghaddam, Jovanović - Proximal gradient flow and Douglas-Rachford splitting dynamics

Barbara Franci

February 26

Verbree, Cherukuri - Stochastic approximation for CVaR-based variational inequalities

Sergio Grammatico

March 12

Gao, Pavel - On passivity, reinforcement learning, and higher order learning in multiagent finite games

Aitazaz Ali Raja

March 26

Muthirayan, Parvania, Khargonekar - Online algorithms for dynamic matching markets in power distribution systems

Peyman M. Esfahani

April 9

Data-driven distributionally robust optimization using the Wasserstein metric: performance guarantees and tractable reformulations

Wicak Ananduta

April 23

Camisa, Notarnicola, Notarstefano - Distributed primal decomposition for large-scale MILPs

Emilio Benenati

May 7

Bianchin, Cortes, Poveda, Dall'Anese - Time-varying optimization of LTI systems via projected primal-dual gradient flows

Suad Krilasevic

May 21

Garg, Baranwal, Gupta, Vasudevan, Panagou - Fixed-time stable proximal dynamical system for solving mixed variational inequality problems

Gyula Max

June 4

Block, Yuval Dagan and Alexander Rakhlin - Majorizing Measures, Sequential Complexities, and Online Learning

Pedro Zattoni Scroccaro

June 18

Agarwal, Bullins, Hazan, Kakade, Singh - Online control with adversarial disturbances

Emilio Benenati

July 9

Bastianello, Dall'Anese - Distributed and inexact proximal gradient method for online convex optimization