
Research Interests

  • Soliton theory
  • Continuous and discrete dynamical systems
  • Integrable equations
  • Chaos theory
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Geometric integration

Published material and theses

  1. J. Jackaman, G. Papamikos, T. Pryer, The design of conservative finite element discretisations for the vectorial modified KdV equation, Appl Num Anal, 2018
  2. G. Papamikos, T. Pryer, A Lie symmetry analysis and explicit solutions of the two-dimensional inf-Polylaplacian, Stud Appl Math, 2018
  3. P. Adamopoulou, A. Doikou, G. Papamikos, Darboux-Backlund transformations, dressing & impurities in multi-component NLS, Nuclear Physics B, 918, 91-114, 2017
  4. A.V. Mikhailov, G. Papamikos, J.P. Wang, Darboux transformation for the vector sine-Gordon equation and integrable equations on a sphere, Letters in Mathematical Physics 2016
  5. A.V. Mikhailov, G. Papamikos, J.P. Wang, Dressing method for the vector sine-Gordon equation and its soliton interactions, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 325, 53-62, 2016
  6. A.V. Mikhailov, G. Papamikos, J.P. Wang, Darboux transformation with dihedral reduction group, J. Math. Phys. 55, 113507, 2014
  7. Ch. Skokos, E. Gerlach, J.D. Bodyfelt, G. Papamikos, S. Eggl, High order three part split symplectic integrators: Efficient techniques for the long time simulation of the disordered discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Phys. Let. A 378, 2014
  8. G. Papamikos, B.C. Sowden, M. Robnik, Dynamical statistical properties of piecewise linearly periodically modulated quartic oscillator, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 15, no. 3, pp. 227-240, 2012
  9. G. Papamikos, M Robnik, WKB approach applied to 1D time-dependent nonlinear Hamiltonian oscillators, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45, 2012
  10. G. Papamikos, M. Robnik, Statistical properties of 1D time-dependent Hamiltonian systems: from the adiabatic limit to the parametrically kicked systems, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45, 2012
  11. G. Papamikos, Lie and Noether symmetries of a class of time-dependent anharmonic oscillators, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 14, no. 1, pp. 49-59, 2011
  • Conference Proceedings:
  1. E. Gerlach, S. Eggl, Ch. SKokos, J.D. Bodyfelt, G. Papamikos, High order three part split symplectic integrations schemes, 10th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Crete, Greece, 2013
  2. T.M. Aldibekov, M. Aldazharova, G. Papamikos, V.G. Romanovski, Integrability of a family of 3-dim polynomial systems of ODE's, AIP, Conf. Proc. 1468, 16, 2012