About me

I was born in Athens, Greece in 1983. After a boring childhood and surviving high-school I started studying mathematics at the University of Patras. There, I came across some people who inspired me and convinced me to continue my studies. I decided to trust those people by doing a masters in mathematics and especially in applied mathematics and in mathematical physics. My masters thesis was supervised by Prof V. Papageorgiou and has the title: Analytical methods for perturbed dynamical systems: Mel'nikov-Ziglin theory and a theorem of Moser (in Greek). In 2008 I started my PhD studies in theoretical physics under the supervision of Prof Dr M. Robnik in Maribor, Slovenia. I successfully defended my thesis (Analysis of the adiabatic invariants and the statistical properties of time-dependent low-dimensional Hamilton systems) at the end of 2011. After that, I decided to further explore the field of nonlinear dynamics by doing a second PhD, this time in mathematics. I started working under the supervision of Dr Jing Ping Wang on the field of continuous and discrete integrable systems. I successfully defended my PhD thesis, entitled: Darboux transformations and reduction groups, on February 2016.

Here you can find my detailed CV.


  • Photography
  • Board Games
  • Films
  • Applications of Mathematics and Physics