Editor in Chief 

            Goldstein, Scott. EMT-Tactical Paramedic.St. Petersburg FL, StatPearls Publishing, LLC, 2015

Peer Reivew Editor 

            Journal of Special Operations Medicine                                                           

            Military Medicine                                                                          

            West Journal of Emergency Medicine                                           

Book Chapter(s)            

Goldstein, S. Hanging Injuries and Strangulation. Medscape, i

Goldstein, S. Headache and Neurologic Complaints. In: Urgent Care Medicine Secrets, 1st edition. O’Neil, R., Olympia, R. Elsevier Inc, Philadelphia, PA, ebook: ISBN: 9780323477833 Paperback ISBN: 9780323462150 

Goldstein, Scott. Numerous chapters. StatPearls. St. Petersburg, Fl. LLC. 2015

 Goldstein, S.,Pott, L., Cricothyroidotomy, In: Tracheotomy Management, Sinz, E., Seidman, P., & Goldenberg. Cambridge University Press. 2011

Peer-Reviewed Journals

Martin Lee, Lee Anne, Goldstein, S. EMS, Capacity and Competence. Stat Pearls [Internet], Treasure Island (Fl), Stat Pearls Publishing, 2019, Feb 25. PMID 29261953

Rountree, RAG, Goldstein, S. EMS, Facilitated Intubation without paralytics. Stat Pearls [Internet], Treasure Island (Fl), StatPearls Publishing, 2019 April 3 PMID  28723051

Goldstein, S., Giwa AO, EMS, Remote Assessment, Stat Pearls [Internet], Treasure Island (Fl), StatPearls Publishing, 2019 March 1 PMID  29262066

Pearce, J, Goldstein, S. EMS,Tactical,Movement Techniques (Concealment, Fatal Funnel, Stack, Wedge, and Pie). Stat Pearls [Internet], Treasure Island (Fl), StatPearls Publishing, 2019 Feb 28 PMID 29763044

Goldstein, S., Pott, L., Cricothyroidotomy, In: Tracheotomy   Management,Sinz,Seidman, P.& Goldenberg. Cambridge University Press. 2011

...and more