About Us

Golden Oak Montessori PTO ◦ Purpose

The Golden Oak Parent Teacher Organization formed in 2016. We are a registered 501c3 non-profit organization that adheres to bylaws.

Our purpose is to support the Mission and Vision of Golden Oak Montessori through community building and fundraising.

We believe the diversity of our community is a strength to be celebrated and shared. Inclusivity is our priority, which is why any event we sponsor supports the entirety of our school and community.

2020-21 Officers

President - Jennifer Inverno

Vice President / Board Rep - Michelle Velasco

Secretary - Yessica Ramirez

Treasurer - Chelsea Vaughn

Officers are elected for two-year terms in any role and may serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms in any officer position [six years total].

Current officer terms expire in 2021.



Approved by General Membership 9/17/19

2019.08.03 PTO Bylaws Update.pdf