Rules (engl.)


Class 1 - Short-wave

Class 2 - VHF/UHF... (QSOs direct only)

Class 3 - VHF/UHF...(QSOs direct or via repeater)


For your application you must earn 100 points to apply for one of the classifications.


For each QSO from 01 Jan 1998 until now with members of the listed DOKs, you earn 5 points. These locations are closely associated with the life of Goethe.

  • X03 Weimar

  • X04 Erfurt 1

  • X09 PH Erfurt

  • X11 Eisenach

  • X18 Erfurt 2

  • X19 Mittleres Ilmtal

  • X21 Pößneck

  • X22 Jena

  • X24 Rudolstadt

  • X30 Ilmenau

  • X34 TU Ilmenau

  • F05 Frankfurt

  • F49 Frankfurt-West

  • F57 Frankfurt-Nord

  • S30 ex Leipzig/Stötteritz, now: Hochschule für Technik, Wirtsch. u. Kultur, Leipzig

  • S31 Leipzig/Marienplatz

  • S37 Leipzig/Plagwitz

  • Z05 Frankfurt/Main

  • Z83 Erfurt

  • Z91 Sachsen Collmberg

For each QSO with a club-station from these DOKs you earn 10 points.

Special stations with special DOKs operating from historic Goethe-sites count 20 points.

For QSOs in CWmultiply these points by 2.

Attention! One OSO with one of the following club-calls is required!


Valid modes are FM, SSB und CW. All bands are accepted. There are no stickers for special modes or bands .

Award application:

No cards needed, only your log confirmed by 2 radioamateurs or use the GCR-list. Send your application form to:


or via eMail to:

Size of the award:

The size of the color-printed award is (210 x 297) mm or (87.7 x 116.9) in. Weight is about 150 g.


Each award costs 5 EURO or 8 US-Dollars.

Info for international transaction:

To: DARC-Ortsverband Ilmenau
IBAN: DE91 5001 0060 0990 2856 08
Note: Goethe-Award +"Your CALL"

Award manager:

Award manager is DH5WB, Wilfried Besig.

Award-Approval by the DARC e.V.:

This award was approved by the DARC on May 16/17, 1998.

Remarks by the Award manager:

This translation was made by the Award manager to open the award for international applicants too.

Fee together with application-form in the same envelope will be accepted on your own risk.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by e-mail.

Tnx Ted Melinosky, K1BV, CQ MAGAZINE for reviewing this translation.