Glover Coat of Arms

Meaning of the Symbols on the Glover

Coat of Arms

Black represents constancy and also sadness/mourning.

Silver and white represent peace and sincerity.

Blue represents loyalty and truth.

Crescents represent someone who has been honored by the King.

The open-bar style, forward-facing helmet indicates the highest ranks of nobility.

The animal at the top is either a cockatrice is the king of serpents, with the head and legs of a cock, the wings of a dragon, and a scaly body, also like a dragon, that ends in a long barbed tail. It is sometimes referred to as a basilisk, of which legends say was produced from an egg laid by a nine-year-old cock, and hatched by a toad on a dunghill. Its breath and sight were so poisonous that they would kill all who came within range. Thus, the cockatrice is a potent symbol of terror to all beholders.

or a dragon, supposed to have a keen sight, which enables it to guard treasures well. It is also said to be the most valiant of creatures; therefore, the dragon is a symbol of a most valiant defender of treasure. Dragons were perceived as powerful, protective, and fearsome, and they were valued for their warlike qualities

The open-bar style, forward-facing helmet indicates the highest ranks of nobility.

The pointed line is a Chevron, which represents the roof of a house. It indicated the rank of the bearer of the coat of arms. The fact that it is ermine, (the dots), is an indication of the dignity of the bearer.

The Glover motto is, 'Sol Deo Gloria', which means, 'The Glory of God Alone'