Code-Squeak and Pharo

Glorp for Pharo 5 (current as of Feb 2017) and Pharo 6 (to be released in 2017) is based on Glorp in VisualWorks v8.0.1.

Glorp on Pharo works with a number of database drivers.

To load Glorp with SQLite on Pharo 50772:

Gofer it

smalltalkhubUser: 'DBXTalk' project: 'Glorp';

package: 'ConfigurationOfGlorpSQLite';


(#ConfigurationOfGlorpSQLite asClass project version: #stable) load.

To load Glorp with SQLite on Pharo 6 (currently in pre-release as of May 2017), install it from Catalog Browser.

Ensure that Pharo is able to load the SQLite so/dylib/dll file on your system. Run the Glorp tests in Test Runner: All 889 tests should pass, with 12 tests skipped. The database file is sodbxtestu.db in your image directory.

TBD How to load Pharo with other drivers.