
Below is information about speakers on genealogy or local history:


Adler, Donna

Donna is an Immigration Attorney.  She has spoken before the AAUW, and could provide an interesting angle for as talk about immigration records for genealogy librarians. 

630-310-8302, http://www.donnamadleradlerlawllc.com/index.html (Website down, 1/2022).

Basir, Eric

Eric is based in Evanston and in his program demonstrates how to restore, retouch and fix photos.  Phone: 847-673-7043.  His website is http://photografix.pro/PGX/Welcome_to_Photo_Grafix.html (Website down, 1/2022).

Basset, Jeffrey

520 Salceda Drive

Mundelein, IL 60060



Jeffrey provides a program on DNA and genealogy.

Fee:  $147  (The fee for having your DNA tested, goes to a "scholarship" fund.)

Bates, Suz

Phone: 630-923-6642

Email: suzbatesgenealogist@gmail.com

website: genealogistsuzbates.weebly.com/

linkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/suzbatesgenealogist

Programs can be in presentation format or hands-on workshops. I prefer 1-hour programs leaving plenty of question-response time. Since 1974, I have been and am currently a member of various genealogical societies. Some programs are listed below. Please see my website for full descriptions and more topics. My fees start at $150.

The Public Library Series for Beginners

What is Genealogy Research?

Your Public Library Databases

Censuses – The Backbone of US Research

Optimize Your Search

Hot Topics

Cut to the Chase! Which DNA Kit Do I Buy?

My DNA Kit is Back! What do I do now?

DNA - No Tree! No Response! Now what? GEDmatches and beyond

Tried and True

Owning and Caring for your Genealogy Research

Going Vital! - Birth, Death and Marriage Records

Genealogy Treasures in Cemetery Records

From Old Worlds to New Worlds: Genealogy in Passenger Lists

A Little More Advanced

Gleaning Clues by Doing a Double Take

I Lost the Trail! – I had him/her but can’t find him/her again. Where Do I Go from Here?

It’s Not Online – The other 90% of records

Beaird, Tina

Cell phone: 630-542-5904 

Business phone: 331-999-3238

Tamarack Genealogy



Specialties are military records, Scottish genealogy and archival preservation.

Member of the Genealogical Speaker's Guild and Association of Professional Genealogists as well as ALA and SAA (Society of American Archivists). 

Librarian at the Plainfield Public Library.

Bloom, Jeanne Larzalere

Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, CG(SM) is a full-time professional researcher specializing in Chicago and Cook County research, problem solving, and multi-generational family histories. She is a trustee and Treasurer of the Board for Certification of Genealogists.

2666 East 73rd St, Apt 11-W





(773) 221-4545

(773) 768-8034


Bockman, Jeff

6S345 Newcastle Road

Naperville, IL  60540-3505

H - 630-983-6784

C - 331-203-2662



Jeff provides a variety of all kinds of genealogy programs.

Fee:  $200

Borzo, Greg


http://www.gregborzo.com/ (Website down, 1/2022)

Programs on Chicago


Brady, Maureen

Her specialty is the Family Search website but she has other programs prepared including one on Chicago family research.  Her website is https://chitownroots.com 

25955 West Cuba Road

Barrington, IL  60010


847-934-1104, ext. 401 (work) 


Fee:  $150

Brennan, Caron Primas

427 S. Harvard Ave.

Villa Park, IL  60181

C - 630-641-9034





Caron is listed in the Association of Professional Genealogists.

She has been associated with the Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois (CAGGNI).

All program are 1-1.5 hours long and geared to the beginning and intermediate researcher.  For most presentations, an Internet connection is required along with a projector.  She brings her own laptop and makes handouts available.  Current topics:  Social Networking for Genealogists, What's New on the Internet for Genealogists?, Ancestry.com Primer, Using Ancestry Family Trees, UFF Da! Researching My Norwegian Roots, Fold3, Research your Family History Using the Internet, Where Did I Put Great Grandpa?--Organizing for Genealogists.  Also DNA and Genealogy.

Fee:  $175


Carey, Kathy

Kathy Carey currently serves as a Daughters of the American Revolution District Director, Volunteer Genealogist, and on the Membership Task Force. She is a past Illinois State Registrar and Organizing Secretary, and has taken National DAR Genealogy classes.

Carlson, Norman

Specilaizes in railroads.  Contact Gwyn Stupar at Oakton Community College.

Chaplin, Laura Street.  Willowtree Research.  laura@willowtreeresearch.com, 630-391-8873.  Program on citing your source.


Coletta, John Philip, PhD:

Mr. Coletta is a knowledgeable, entertaining and experienced lecturer based in Washington, D.C. He has 20 years' experience at the Library of Congress, and has taught at the National Archives. He also teaches at local schools, and conducts programs for the Smithsonian Institution's Resident Associate Program. He is a faculty member of the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research at Samford University, Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, and Boston University's Certificate in Family History program.

Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois (CAGGNI) Speaker's Bureau

Variety of speakers on assorted genealogy topics.  Website lists all of the speakers (many) who are members of CAGGNI and the programs they can present (many.)


Cooke, Lisa Louise

Available to speak on the 1950 census. https://lisalouisecooke.com/bookings/ 

Dassow, Diane

Diane is owner of Binding Legacies.  She is a seasoned Personal Historian and dynamic speaker. Diane provides an interactive program on how to successfully use interview techniques to gather information and stories from family members. If you haven't had a Personal Historian speak to your genealogy group, this could be a very interesting topic for your genealogists.

http://www.bindinglegacies.com/  (Website down, 1/2022)


Dudek, Debra

Debra is head of Adult and Teen Services at Fountaindale Public Library in Bolingbrook.  She speaks on Victorian mourning customs, British genealogy and technology topics such as Billiongraves.com.  Her email address is ddudek@fountaindale.org and her phone number is 630-685-4201.  

Dumelle, Grace

She is the author of the book titled Finding Your Chicago Ancestors: A Beginner’s Guide To Family History in the City and Cook County.  Contact The Newberry site - dumelleg@newberry.org  (312)


Eberle, Mary




Flynn, Kate

Portal Manager, Chicago Collections, chicagocollections.org.  Will speak on the 100,000 plus items in the collection.  kef@chicagocollections.org or 312-413-4408.

Gengler, Rebecca

Owner of More Polish Pottery.  Presentation on the art, history and manufacturing of polish pottery.  Contact info@morepolishpottery.com.

Girson, David

Will speak on buying glass negatives at a garage sale in 1998, restoring them and researching Charles Erik Spaak, an amateur photographer who took the random photos of turn-of-the-century Chicago.


Haldeman, Jane

Owner of "It's Relative".  http://www.itsrelative.net/

Hamacher, Jeanne

Chair of the Illinois World War I Centennial Commission.  Jeanne has been collecting the names of available speakers on a variety of WWI topics for a speakers bureau.  wwi_jeanne@outlook.com


Hargis, Gary K

Dr. Gary K. Hargis has served as President of the Illinois State Genealogical Society, President of the Fox Valley Genealogical Society in Naperville, and Director of the Genealogical Institute of Mid America. He is a retired Technical Director of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Chicago Westside Medical Center

Heska, Ola

Polish genealogy programs.

http://www.hwwd.com/genelady/about.html, (Website down, 1/2022).


Holik, Jennifer

Jennifer has her own genealogy business that you can find at https://wwiiresearchandwritingcenter.com/  As of October 2019, she has reduced her speaking engagements. Her area of expertise is military genealogy.

Hubbard, Dan

Dr. Daniel Hubbard lives in Libertyville and is First Vice President of the Lake County Genealogical Society.  He is a former particle physicist and now a full-time professional genealogist and writer as well as owner of Personal Past.  His research concentrates on American, Canadian and Swedish records. He a member of the Nordic Family Genealogy Advisory Board at the Swedish-American Museum in Chicago. Information about his presentations is at Products and Services on his website / blog,  Personal Past Meditations. Librarians who have attended Dan's presentations say he would be a very entertaining speaker, as well as thoroughly knowledgeable. He does an "Intro to Genealogy presentation."   Dan@thepersonalpast.com

Johnas, Julia

Julia is the former director of Adult Services at the Highland Park library. She conducts the following programs: 

She can be reached at jaj824@yahoo.com. Her fee is $150, except  for the "House" program which is $200-$250 depending on the costs incurred.

Johnson, Heather

Heather is with the  Lake County Forest Preserve.  She speaks on preserving paper and photographs, as she was the former coordinator of the Curt Teich Postcard Archives which has since been relocated to the Newberry Library.  Her email address is hjohnson@lcfpd.org.

Johnson, Ray

Johnson Research Services, http://www.historycop.com.

Jungclas, Dan

2254 Keim Road
Naperville, IL  605065


Karsen, Mike

Mike Karsen is a member of the Association of  Professional Genealogists (APG) and the Genealogical Speakers Guild (GSG). He is currently President of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois. Mike speaks on family legacy topics locally and nationally, presents conference programs and is on the faculty of Newberry Library and Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies in Chicago. He is the author of the JewishGen website "Guide to Jewish Genealogy in Chicagoland" and has published articles on genealogy.   He holds an undergraduate degree in mathematics/computer science and a master's in operations research alongside 30 years in telecommunications management.  http://www.mikekarsen.com/     e-mail: mike@MikeKarsen.com     Phone: 847-945-4499

Kirby, Sarah

Sarah is the librarian in charge of the Indiana Room at the Huntington City-Township Public Library in Huntington, IN.  

Professional email:  skirby@hctpl.info 

Personal email:  sarah@vandeventer.net


Sarah is listed in the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG).

She has a variety of genealogy programs.

Her subject specialties listed in the APG description are Cartographic, Colonial, Government Publications, Land Records, Migrations and Presbyterians.

Kovarik, Laura

Laura Kovarik is giving lectures on the 1950 census..  https://www.elginroots.com/programs

Kruski, Jason


Polish Genealogy and DNA programs.

Law, Carolyn




Some programs include: 

“The Tarnished Reputation of Silver”

“Listen to Your Heirlooms (They Are Telling You a Story)”

“What’s New in the Old Stuff Business?”

“My Kids Don’t Want My Stuff: Options for the Downsizer”

Levanthal, Char

Char presents programs on writing your family history.  She can be reached through her
website: http://www.tellourfamilystory.com/ (Website down, 1/2022). LinkdIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlotte-leventhal-b9b6b316

Lindahl, Deb

Presentation called Stitching Together Memories: A Quilter's Family Story. Deb speaks mainly off of a quilt she made of 100 squares, each of a different dress, that tells a different family story. She also brought a few other precious family quilts. This is a wonderful example of telling your family's story in a different way from writing. It was a general library program but I did promote it to our genealogists and several of them came. Deb's email is dooby127@gmail.com.

Liska, Roger


He speaks on Czech Online Genealogy Resources. He is a retired teacher and member of the Czech and Slovak Genealogy Society of Illinois, CSAGSI. Roger’s entertaining instructional presentation style was very well received. 

Lorenzana, Laura Cosgrove

2601Bauer Road

North Aurora, IL 



www.thelastleafonthisbranch.blogspot.com (Last Post:  2019)

www.fromrootstoleaves.com (Website says she is no longer accepting clients, 1/2022).

Laura is growing her number of presentations.  Her specialty is as an archivist.

Lowery, Becky

Reference Librarian, Newberry Library

(312) 255-3721

Will speak on the resources of the Newberry.


MacEntee, Thomas

Thomas MacEntee maintains Geneabloggers and organizes its 2000+ members.  He also teaches online genealogy webinars, and is knowledgeable about emerging technologies and vendors as they relate to the genealogy industry.   http://hidefgen.com/
hidefgen@gmail.com (No longer accepting speaking engagements).

Magnuson, Carol

CMKinhunter@aol.com, or possibly CMKinhunter@gmail.com.


McDonald, Dave

David McDonald, D.Min., CG, is a director of the National Genealogical Society and president of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. He is a past editor of the Wisconsin State Genealogical Society's Newsletter. His articles have appeared in the National Genealogical Society's Quarterly and the ISGS Quarterly, along with several British publications. Dave's research focuses on the Midwest and Plains states, New England, the UK and Germanic Europe.

McMillan, Teresa Steinkamp

Teresa S. McMillan, CG specializes in German genealogy.  She has spoken at the  Arlington Heights Memorial Library, and is a volunteer there. info@lindstreet.com  Phone: 847.338.0041 Her website is www.lindstreet.com 

Mead, Kathy

Swedish genealogy, arkivdigital.

Email:  Kathy.meade@arkivdigital.com 

Phone:  (773) 404-8177

Melone, Dan

Great Lakes Archaeologist lectures on Lake and Cook Counties, pre-city of Chicago history, Native Americans and early European farm settlement.

Contact:  danmelone@ameritech.net

Mellien, Laurel

E-mail: headstonesandhistory@gmail.com

Phone: 847-669-8236

Street Address: 480 Windermere Way

City, State, Zip: Lake in the Hills, IL 60156

I present programs on Cemetery Art Symbolism and several related topics to area libraries and historical societies. I would love to be considered to present a program for your library. I hold a position on the Board of Directors of the Crystal Lake Historical Society. I have spoken at several area libraries: Huntley (twice), Lake Villa (twice), Harvard-Diggins (twice), Fox Valley/Dundee, Fox Lake, McHenry, Algonquin, and Nippersink. My price for a program to your venue would be $125.00. Please visit my website for the programs I have available http://www.headstonesandhistory.com/

Middendorf, Jaymie

Email: goodomengenealogy@gmail.com

Website: https://goodomengenealogy.com/

Her lectures are on topics such as immigration to the U.S., emigration ports from Europe, and Chicago genealogical research. She also offers genealogy consultations for researchers who need help kickstarting their research. In addition to genealogy consultations, she also offers genealogy research for clients. Please contact her for pricing and availability of these services.  

Mieszala, Debbie, CG

318 Woodland Road

Libertyville, IL  60048



Debbie is associated with the Lake County Genealogical Society.  She is listed with the Association of Professional Genealogists.  Her listing in APG notes specialty knowledge of Illinois, Midwest.

Milner, Paul

1548 Parkside Drive

Park Ridge, IL  60068




Paul is listed with the Association of Professional Genealogists.  He has a large number of programs covering Irish, British and Scotland research.  His listing in APG notes specialty knowledge of British Isles, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Methodology and Banquet/Luncheon presentations.

Niemiec, Daniel E.

389 Pierce Court Vernon Hills, IL 60061 847-471-6099 d.niemiec@comcast.net

Dan is an expert at Italian genealogy and research in Chicago. He also gives a program entitled: "The Latest News on Cook County Vital Records."

Dan’s sense of humor in his presentations make it enjoyable for everyone even if they have little to do with the topic being presented.  But everybody always learns something new, whether beginners or experts.

Palmer, Delray


Speaks on an organizational system called the FamilyRoots Organizer Color-Coding System as developed by By Mary E. V. Hill.  You can read more about the system here http://www.genrootsorganizer.com/.  She presents the program with the author's permission.

Pepper, Larry

Larry Pepper is owner of PepperPhotography.com,  He has over twenty-five years experience in a variety of areas of photography. He combines his extensive knowledge of Photoshop and his love of genealogy to create exquisite family trees.

Peterson-Maass, Marsha

P.O. Box 483

Wilmette, IL



She is listed in the Association of Professional Genealogists.

Marsha has a variety of genealogy programs; Why Am I Stuck? 10 Solutions to Common Genealogical Brick Walls; No, the Census Take Didn't Miss Them; How Will I Ever Organize My Piles to Files?; The Most Helpful Genealogy Tools You've Never Used; and more...

Pfannkuche, Craig


Phelps, Greg

Access Services  GW-Phelps@wiu.edu  309/298-2759

Cemetery symbolism.

Reaves, Patricia

3433 McCormick Ave.

Brookfield, IL  60513

H - 708-387-0994


Patricia has programs related to Germanic research, Germanic resources and Passenger Lists.

Rutherford, Matt

Curator of Genealogy and Local History at the Newberry Library



Matt offers programs on the following genealogy topics:  Newberry Library, Beginning Genealogy, Archives and Repositories, Adoption Searches, History of the Federal Census, Non-Population Censuses, Pre-Chicago Fire Research.

Schattner, Jacquie

Palatine, IL

847-830-9905.  Leave a message if she does not answer the phone. eatatjacquies@gmail.com


Serrano, Ileana

Data Dissemination Specialist

2020 Census Program

Cell: 630-453-0752

Email: Ileana.c.Serrano@census.gov 

Sliwinski, Robert

DNA program



Springstroh, Orlene

Orlene Springstroh was the founder and first president of Fox Valley Genealogical Society in 1981. She is the past Editor of the Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly.

Stanbary, Karen

She teaches a class on DNA at the Newberry.



Szabados, Steven M.

519 E. Baldwin Road Palatine, IL 60074   s-szabados@sbcglobal.net   Phone:  847-917-4807

The following presentations are available:

1. Organize and Share your Family History

2. Mining the Census Records

3. Finding my Grandma's Ancestors

4. Researching Your Chicago Ancestors

5. Naturalization:  Beginning of Your U.S. Family Heritage

 Fee:  $150 per program.

Steve Szabados is a retired project manager who started researching in 2004. He has done presentations at Parkland College, the Arlington Heights Memorial Library, the Polish Genealogy Society of America, the Fox Valley Genealogical Society, Kane County Genealogical Society, South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society, the McLean County Genealogy Society, Schaumburg Township District Library and others. He is a member of the Polish Genealogical Society of America, Illinois State Genealogical Society and also a genealogy volunteer at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library. He specializes in Polish and Hungarian genealogy as well as in Slovenian and Bohemian records.

Trapp, Sandra

Burr Ridge, IL


Topic:  FamilySearch (beginner or advanced, can be customized); CAGGNI member/speaker

Fee:  $150 plus travel expense

Warner, Jennifer


(630) 920-3822

Specialties are military records, Connecticut Records, Vital Records to name a few.

Member of DuPage County Genealogical Society (President), National Genealogical Society, New England Historical Genealogical Society and Illinois State Genealogical Society.

Wayne, Debbie Parker


Wilson, Michelle Bray

Genes for the Genealogist

CAGNI:  http://caggni.shuttlepod.org/page-1239639#Michelle