Chamois Genomic Project

(c) Flurin Leugger -

(c) Flurin Leugger -

Predicting the genetic consequences of climate change on Chamois populations (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the Alps

Landscape history and heterogeneity plays a central role in shaping ecological and evolutionary processes. Understanding spatial and temporal variation in landscape and genetic connectivity among populations has direct conservation implications. In this project, we will sample populations of R. rupicapra across the Alpine massif and genotype them using a ddRAD-​sequencing approach. We will investigate the historical and contemporary factors shaping genetic variation within and among populations.

People involved

  • Loïc Pellissier (Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems at ETH Zurich and at WSL, Zürich, Suisse)


  • Thibaut Capblancq (University of Vermont, Burlington, USA)

  • Thomas Broquet (CNRS, Station Biologique de Roscoff, Univ. Sorbonne, France)

And Many people involved in the sampling in France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic.

Students involved

Flurin Leugger (2019-2020) - Habitat Suitability Dynamics and Dispersal Capability Predict Genetic Structure of Northern Chamois (Rupicapra Rupicapra) across the Alps. co-supervised with Loïc Pellissier, ETH Zurich

Julie Roques (2021) - Genomic study of chamois populations throughout the Alpine Arc for their conservation and management.

Amélie Hoste (2021) - Assessing climate‐associated genetic variation in the Northern chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) across the Alps. co-supervised with Thibaut Capblanc, University of Vermont


Leugger F, Broquet T, Karger DK, Rioux D, Buzan E, Corlatti L, Crestanello B, Curt-Grand-Gaudin N, Hauffe HC, Rolečková B, Šprem N, Tissot N, Tissot S, Valterová R, Yannic G, Pellissier L. 2022. Dispersal and habitat dynamics shape the genetic structure of the Northern chamois in the Alps. Journal of Biogeography accepted