Updating Woodstock

1) Checkout the branch:

cvs -q co -r Woodstock_402_Branch woodstock

2) Make sure all the fixes needed are applied to this new branch, and commit the fixes (cvs commit).

3) Update the doc/releas-notes.html file with bug #'s and a short comment about what changed.

4) Update the Woodstock version number in all places that are necessary (master/build.properties perhaps other places), commit these changes (cvs commit)

5) Build Woodstock

Steps to build:

cd master

ant clean


The new files should be in the "master/build" directory.

6) Test this new build to make sure we haven't broken anything.

7) Tag this version w/ the new release number (eg. so "Woodstock_402_B6" to be consistent with all the other tags).

To make a "branch tag" (should only be done when you need to patch an older tag -- NOT normal):

cvs tag -bcR Woodstock_402_Branch

To make a normal "tag" (should be done for every release):

cvs tag -cR Woodstock_402_B6

(Where 402 is the version number, and B6 is the build number... the corresponding Woodstock version number as seen in maven should be for the example above.)

8) Push it to maven and/or stage it for GF builds.

For v2 builds, this means creating a jar file and give that to Terena to stage. Previously staged jar file is available at:


The glassfish/bootstrap/project.properties file has the line that specify the Woodstock version, this needs to 'match' the jar that is staged. For example, for http://download.java.net/javaee5/external/shared/woodstock/jars/woodstock- , project.properties will say: "glassfish.woodstock.version=". In GlassFish v3, the root pom.xml file must be updated.
