API needed for v3 GUI

Application Tasks:

This is working through AMX or using Deployment Facility now.

    • List deployed Applications
    • List application-ref of deployed applications (so i can get the enabled status)
    • Deploy application with all the parameters
    • Undeploy applications
    • Enable/Disable appications. If i just change the 'enabled' attr of <application-ref>, will deployment code get notificated.
    • Restart application
    • Redeploy applications

Following works in v2, but no support in v3. This needs the deployment team's help:

    • Need sub-component under components, eg
      • hello.war can show 2 Servlet, named jsp and default (war-sub-components.png)
      • stateless-simpleEjb shows TheGreeter is StatelessSessionBean (ejb-sub-components.png)
    • Displaying the DD for sub modules. Currently, we can only get that if it is a stand alone war. In v2, we are able to list out sub modules , and the xml's and display to user. (dd-appclient-ear.png, dd-ejb-war-ear.png, dd-rar.png)
    • Providing Launch Link for embedded war, or top level war that doesn't specify the context root in domain.xml. We need to be able to get the context root.
    • Filter out engine that should be invisible to user (eg, sniffer = security)
    • Able to retrieve the client stubs for Application Clients, (for both in a ear, or standalone jar)
    • Launch Application Client if java web start is enabled. (need to get the launch path)