Becoming a Patron

Honorary Patrons

Mr and Mrs M. Morran

 Glasgow Sinfonia is currently sponsored by the following Patrons;

Mr & Mrs T. E. McGreevy 

Mrs J. G. McKendrick 

Mrs A. Winning


Do you appreciate good music, and enjoy live concert performances? Do you want to actively encourage live orchestral music in and around Glasgow? The Glasgow Sinfonia, one of the finest amateur orchestras in Scotland, offers you an opportunity to do just that through its Patrons scheme.


The success of an orchestra depends not only on the commitment of the musicians to practice and performance, it also requires a great deal of behind the scenes activity. For example, rehearsal venues have to be booked, music has to be hired, publicity printed and distributed, concert venues arranged, and soloists engaged. The costs involved in running an orchestra are substantial, and place a considerable strain on our resources. Our only sources of income other than revenue from ticket sales, are subscriptions from our players, and donations from Patrons.


The importance of Patrons' donations to us is significant. If we are able to attract sufficient support to give us a solid financial base, we are then able to plan ahead with confidence, to use the best concert venues, to attract quality soloists and to keep ticket prices low. Without Patrons' donations, the orchestra has to compromise the high standards we set ourselves, or face an uncertain future.


Of course, we offer some direct benefits to our Patrons in addition to our thanks for their support. We provide a package which includes:

For Patrons who donate up to £99

For Patrons who donate £100 and over

The Glasgow Sinfonia needs the help and support of music-lovers like yourself. Our Patrons will help to ensure that the orchestra has a secure future, and that we can continue to give quality concert performances. I hope that you will give some consideration to joining us.


If you are interested in becoming a Patron of the Glasgow Sinfonia, then please Email the Patrons Manager