Custom Tools

Edit Custom Tools

The Tools menu provides ways to integrate external applications and commands within GitForce.

As you add or edit custom tools, you will need to specify a tool name (which will be shown on the menu) and the command to run it (including the full path to the tool).

Optionally, you may specify the arguments, initial directory to run a tool from and a number of flags.

Within the Arguments and Initial directory specification, you can use macros. Macros will be substituted as the tool is run. These are the currently supported macros:

All file names include full path. Directories do not have a trailing slash.


This example shows how to make a setting to run gource visualizer (

The name field is set to the tool name (although it can be anything) and the Command field points to the actual tool executable.

The initial directory is set to execute a tool within the current repo root (%r macro).

Once this example tool has been configured, the main Tools menu will show it:

Selecting that menu item will start gource tool in the context of a current repo.