Recent Research

Working papers

Dream Jobs in a Globalized Economy: Wage Dynamics and International Experience

with Luca David Opromolla and Gianmarco Ottaviano.  Previously circulated as “Dream Jobs”, CEPR DP 15027.

Revise and Resubmit at Management Science

Regional productivity differences in the UK and France: from the micro to the macro

with Bridget Kauma. CEP DP 1955

Reject and Resubmit of the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

Trade, Skills and Productivity

with Joana Silva. CEPR DP 19145

Work in progress 

On the Lumpiness of Space

with Kristian Behren

UK Trade and Productivity Across Space

with Dongzhe Zhang

From climate shocks to firm productivity, demand and markups in a (de-)globalised world.

with Gert Bijnens, Mirabelle Muûls and Mathieu Parenti