
Published Papers:

On the productivity advantage of cities

(joint with Nick Jacob)

Journal of Economic Geography, forthcoming.

Unraveling Firms: Demand, Productivity and Markups Heterogeneity 

(joint with Emanuele Forlani, Ralf Martin, and Mirabelle Muuls). MULAMA code available (here)

The Economic Journal, 2023, Vol. 133, Issue 654, pp. 2251–2302.

The Value of Managers' Export Experience: Lessons from the Angolan Civil War

(joint with Luca David Opromolla and Alessandro Sforza).

The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.

The UK’s Great Demand and Supply Recession

(with Nick Jacob).

The Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2023, Vol. 85, Issue 5, pp. 993-1022.

Productivity and Organization in Portuguese Firms

(joint with Lorenzo Caliendo, Luca David Opromolla, and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg).

Journal of Political Economy, 2020, Vol. 128, Issue 11, pp. 4211-4257.

Quantifying the gap between equilibrium and optimum under monopolistic competition (Online Appendix)

(joint with Kristian Behrens, Yasusada Murata and Jens Suedekum). 

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020,  Vol. 135, Issue 4, pp. 2299–2360.

The Interconnections Between Services and Goods Trade at the Firm-Level. (paper and online appendix)

(joint with Andrea Ariu, Holger Breinlich  and Grergory Corcos).

 Journal of International Economics, 2019, Vol. 116, pp. 173-188.

Spatial Frictions

(joint with Kristian Behrens, Yasusada Murata and Jens Südekum).

 Journal of Urban Economics, 2017, Vol. 97(1), pp. 40-70.

Service Trade and Occupational Tasks: An Empirical Investigation

(joint with with Andrea Ariu)

The World Economy, 2017, Vol. 40(9), pp. 1866-1889.

Institutions and Export Dynamics

(joint with Luis Araujo and Emanuel Ornelas)

Journal of International Economics, 2016, Vol. 98(1), pp. 2–20.

Trade, wages and productivity

(joint with Kristian Behrens, Yasusada Murata and Jens Südekum).

 International Economic Review, 2014, Vol. 55(4), pp. 1305-1348.

 Managers’ Mobility, Trade Performance and Wages

(joint with Luca David Opromolla)

Journal of International Economics, 2014, Vol. 94(1), pp. 85-101.

Import competition from and outsourcing to China: a curse or blessing for firms?

(joint with Linke Zhu)

Journal of International Economics, 2013, Vol. 89(1), pp. 202-215.

The Determinants of Intra-Firm Trade: Evidence from French Firms

(joint with Gregory Corcos, Delphine Irac and Thierry Verdier)

The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013, Vol. 95(3), pp 825-838

Trade crisis? What trade crisis?

(joint with Kristian Behrens and Gregory Corcos)

The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013, Vol. 95(2) Pages 702-709

Productivity and Firm Selection: Quantifying the new Gains from Trade

(joint with Gregory Corcos, Massimo Del Gatto and Gianmarco Ottaviano)

The Economic Journal, 2012, Vol. 122(561), pp. 754-798

The Resistible Decline of European Science

(joint with Luc Bauwens and Jacques Thisse)

Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 2011, Vol 77(4), pp 5-31

The Spatial Sorting and Matching of Skills and Firms

(joint with Paolo Naticchioni)

Canadian Journal of Economics, 2009, Vol 42(1), pp 28-55

Concentration, Agglomeration and the Size of Plants

(joint with Miren Lafourcade)

Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2007, Vol. 37(1), pp 46-68

Advertising and endogenous exit in a differentiated duopoly

(joint with Andrea Mantovani)

Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 2006, Vol. 72(1), pp. 19-48


Spatial Externalities and Empirical Analysis: The case of Italy

Journal of Urban Economics, 2004, Vol. 56(1), pp. 97-118


Chapters in Books:

Input–Output Linkages, Proximity to Final Demand and the Location of Manufacturing Industries

‘Geography, Institutions and Regional Economic Performance’ edited by Riccardo Crescenzi and Marco Percoco. Springer (2012)


Economic Integration and Industry Reallocations: Some Theory with Number

(joint with Kristian Behrens and Gianmarco Ottaviano)

‘International Handbook on the Economics of Integration’ edited by Miroslav Jovanovic. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd (2010)