Giancarlo Spagnolo

Hello visitor, welcome to my homepage! I am a Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Finance of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, a Fellow of EIEF, and a Research Fellow of SITE, CEPR and MaCCI.

My research interest and papers are mainly in the fields of Antitrust & IO, Banking, Corporate Governance & Managerial Compensation, Corruption and Whistleblowers, Procurement and Platforms, Micro-Theory and Experiments.

   A cool new e-book: Procurement in Focus: Rules, Discretion, and Emergencies; also read the Vox column
Another cool book: Handbook of Procurement, also in Russian :-)

  A cool Man: Giuseppe Spagnolo :-) 

Unpublished papers

Procurement With Manipulation with D. Coviello, A. Guglielmo, C. Lotti 2022

The Importance of Being Even: Restitution and Cooperation  with M. Bigoni, M. Casari, A. Salvanti, A. Skrzypacz, 2024

Divide et Impera : Optimal Leniency Programmes 2004

Public Procurement as an Innovation Policy: Where Do We Stand? with O. Chiappinelli, L. M. Giuffrida 2023

Debt as a (Credible) Collusive Device 2004

Collusion through debt and managers, with R. Fiocco, S. Piccolo , 2023

Are Banks Too Big to Fine?, with C. Marvâo, V. Potì , 2023

Relational Contracts, Competition and Collusion ,with G. Calzolari

Relational Contracts and Trust in a High-Tech Industry with G.Calzolari, L.Felli, J. Koenen, K.O. Stahl

Past Performance and Procurement Outcomes with F. Decarolis and R. Pacini

Corruption and Asymmetric Sanctions: Theory and Evidence from China, with Maria Perrotta Berlin, Martin Dufwenberg,

Bei Qin, 2023 

Recent Publications  - google scholar citations page here

Indirect Savings from Public Procurement Centralization  (W.P Version) with C. Lotti, A. Muço and T. Valletti, in the American Economic Journal- Economic Policy Vol. 16 (3):347-66 , 2024

Procurement cartels and the fight against (outsider) bribing (W.P Version) with R. Burguet and E. Iossa, in the European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 81,2024

Relative Performance Evaluation, Sabotage and Collusion, (W.P Version) with M. Bloomfield and C. Marvao,  in the Journal of 

Accounting and Economics, Vol. 76, Issues 2-3, 2024  2023 

Memory and Markets, (W.P Version) with S. Kovbasyuk,  in the Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 91, Issue 3, pages 1775-1806, 2023

Leniency Inflation, Cartel Damages and Criminalization, (W.P Version) with C. M. P. Marvão, in the Review of Industrial Organization, Vol.63, pages 155-186,2023.

Raising the Bar: Certification Thresholds and Market Outcomes, (W.P Version) with M. Saeedi, S. Tadelis and Hui,
NBER Working Paper No. 24916, in the American Economic Journal – Microeconomics,  2023, 15 (2): 599-626

Whistleblower Rewards, False Reports, and Corporate Fraud, (W.P Version) with P. Buccirossi and G. Immordino,
forthcoming in the European Journal of Law and Economics, 51, pages 411-431, 2021

Buyers' Role in Innovation Procurement (W.P. Version) with  F. Decarolis, G.  de Rassenfosse, L.M. Giuffrida, E. Iossa, V. Mollisi, 

E. Raiteri, in the Journal of Economics and Management Strategies, 2021, (4): 695-892

Assessing alternative indicators for Covid-19 policy evaluation, with a counterfactual for Sweden, with C. Latour F. Peracchi, PLoS ONE 17(3), 2022
Myths and Numbers on Whistleblower Rewards, (W.P.Version) with T. Nyrerod, in Regulation and Governance, 2021, 15 (1): 82-97
The Impacts of Stricter Merger Legislation on Bank Mergers and Acquisitions: Too-Big-To-Fail and  Competition, (W.P. Version)
with E. Carletti, S. Ongena and J.P. Siedlarek, in the  Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol 46, 2021

Leniency and Damages: Where is the Conflict? (W.P. Version) with P. Buccirossi, C. Marvâo,
in the Journal of Legal Studies, 49(2),2020, 335-379

Past Performance and Entry in Procurement: an Experimental Investigation, (W.P. Version) with J.Butler, E.Carbone and P. Conzo, in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, 2020, 173: 179-195”
Bureaucratic Competence and Procurement Outcomes, (W.P. Version) with F. Decarolis, L. Giuffrida, E. Iossa, V. Mollisi,
in the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 36(3), 2020,537-597.
Motivating Whistleblowers (W.P.Version) with J. Butler and D. Serra, in Management Science, 2020, 66 (2): 503-1004
Frequency of Interaction, Communication and Collusion: An Experiment (W.P, Version) with M. Bigoni and J. Potter’s,
in Economic Theory 2018, 120(3): 826-858
Court Efficiency and Procurement Performance  (W.P.Version) with D. Coviello, L. Moretti and P. Valbonesi,
in the Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2018, 120 (3): 826-858
The Effect of Discretion on Procurement Performance (W.P. version) with D. Coviello and A. Guglielmo,
in Management Science, 2018,  715–738
Leniency, Collusion, Corruption, and Whistleblowing  (W.P. Version) with R. Luz,
in the Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2017, 13(4): 729-766
Privatization and Quality: Evidence from Elderly Care in Sweden  with M. Bergman. P. Johansson and S. Lundberg,
in the Journal of Health Economics, September 2016, 49: 109–119
Trust, Leniency and Deterrence (W.P. Version) with M. Bigoni, S.-O. Fridolfsson, and C. LeCoq,
in the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 2015, 31(4): 663-689

Time Horizon and Cooperation In Continuous Time (W.P. version) With M. Bigoni, M. Casari and A. Skrzypacz,
in Econometrica, 2015, 83(2): 587-616

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