Volunteer Descriptions

All The Details about Volunteering!

Do you want to know what you'll be doing?  Where to park?  What to bring?  Here are some answers for you!

If this page doesn't answer your questions, please email the Race Director at ghosttrainrace@gmail.com.  Thank you!

Parking for ALL Volunteers

Parking is the same for all volunteers.  Here are the deets (do kids still say that?) on each location:

Recommendations for ALL Volunteers

DRESS FOR THE WEATHER!  Bring an extra layer if it is cold - you may not use it, but you'll be thankful if you need it.  Here is a list of other ideas and things to bring:

  1. All Aid Stations 

Brookline/Camp Tevya, Milford/DPW, and Powerlines

The majority of positions that we need help with are at the aid stations, and there are three of them along the Ghost Train Trail:

While all volunteer jobs are super important, working at an aid station give you direct access to all the runners as they come by.  It is not only a great opportunity to see friends and family running the race, but a chance to see the race close up.  The runners also tend to remember the acts from these volunteers - someone who got them a hot beverage or gave them a few motivational words and a smile to encourage them to keep going when they needed it.  What will you be doing?  Keeping the aid station stocked with all kinds of fruit, cold food, hot food, water, Tailwind, hot beverages, broths and soups, and anything else on the menu!  Camp Tevya and the Milford DPW have a larger selection of food and hot foods while the Powerlines is more basic.  In addition, you can offer to fill water bottles, do some of the cooking, and generally provide whatever we can to help the runners get out on their next leg.

Check in with the Director at your aid station.  They can provide additional information as each aid station will have training and informative material available.

2. Bike Support

Biking the trail is another great way to be out and spending time with the runners!  You'll get to bike the rail trail and offer motivation, treats, and emergency help as needed.  Emergency help isn't always about injuries, and we hope we don't have any serious injuries.  It can also mean giving some basic materials from a first aid kit, or a small flashlight or batteries to someone whose headlamp is dead.  (Also available in the provided aid kit)  Basically, you will be a one person portable mini aid station.

Check in:  Camp Tevya aid station where you will pick up your bike patrol aid pack.

Don't forget to bring a bike that is suitable for the trail!  Bikes are not provided.

3. Setup or Break Down

Hopefully this is self-explanatory!  You'll be either setting up or taking down tents and other equipment used for aid stations or other race support.  Dress for the weather and maybe bring a pair of work gloves.  There may be some lifting and moving items around as part of the job.

4. Bib Pickup

This is another great way to see a good chunk of the field and say about 10 words to everyone you know in that line!  :)  You'll be at a table looking up and handing out the bib for each runner in line.  This tends to be a pretty fast paced job at some points, but a great way to see everyone!  You can also volunteer for this position if you are running the race as you'll be done just in time. 

Saturday morning:  Check in at the Camp Tevya aid station.

Saturday afternoon: Check in with the Milford Aid Station Director.

Sunday morning:  Check in at the Camp Tevya aid station.

5. Parking

This is probably self-explanatory also!  You'll be assisting runners and/or volunteers as they come to park for either the 30-Hour Ultramarathon, the 30-Mile Haunted Sunset Race or the 15-Mile Race and Relay.  You will have more experienced volunteers work with you, so if you don't have experience, don't worry.  They will explain the job to you before you start.

Saturday morning:  Check in at the Camp Tevya aid station, or with any of the parking crew.

Saturday afternoon:  Check in with the Milford Aid Station Director.

Sunday morning:  Check in at the Camp Tevya aid station, or with any of the parking crew.

6. SWAG Station

This year we will have swag available, such as collapsible cups, hats, and who knows what else!  We need a few people to be at the SWAG station to offer items for sale, make change, and keep the money drawer.  

Please check in with the aid station at Camp Tevya.

7. Brookline Runner Check In Table

This is an exciting volunteer position and it will require someone with a positive outlook, who is motivational, and able to keep track of details.  What is the Runner Check In Table you ask?  This is an opportunity to check in with each runner on the 30-Hour Ultramarathon course each time they come through.  There are several responsibilities:

Please check in with the aid station at Camp Tevya.

8. Milford Thank You Table

The Milford Thank You Table is very similar to #7 above (The Motivational Table).  This is for the 30-Hour Haunted Sunset runners that will be finishing sometime Saturday late night or Sunday morning.  These runners do two out and backs, and they may need a bit of encouragement.  You'll also be there to give them a few complementary items and thank them for coming, as well as reinforcing how the race supports the Brookline and Milford Conservation Commissions and their job of trail improvements.  You'll also check off the runners as they finish so we know that everyone is off the trail or if we need to send out a search party!

Please check in with the Director of the Milford Aid Station.

9. Trail Marking/Unmarking

Ride a bike or run the trail on Friday afternoon or Sunday to put up or take down the markers that give runners direction on the trail.  You may want to bring a pack or some other bag to put the markers in.  We'll divide up the course with you so you won't be out in the dark - unless you want that!  We promise not to overly micromanage you!  :)

We do encourage the team putting up the markers to think like someone who has never run the course before and mark the trail appropriately.  It's best if you are familiar with the course.

IMPORTANT!  Course takedown will start from Milford on Sunday so you are following the runners, not taking course markings down before they are done.  :)

Please check in with the Race Director at Camp Tevya.

10. Road Crossing Signs (Put up and Take Down)

There are four road crossings from one end of the trail to the other - North Mason Road (Brookline), Scabbard Mill Brook Road (Brookline), Armory Road (Milford), and Union Street (Milford).  Each one of these crossings will have signs to warn of pedestrians in the road that need to be put up and then taken down.  You'll get specific details for each location from the RD the morning of the race for setup, and the RD will make sure the take down crew is all set.  You will need a vehicle and will need to be aware of traffic.  We don't want anyone hurt while putting up "Slow Down!" signs!

Please check in with the Race Director at Camp Tevya.

11. Camping Instruction

Hang out at Camp Tevya with the setup crew and greet participants coming to set up camp on Friday afternoon.  The goal is to make sure participants are welcomed to the event and instructed on where they can and can't set up their canopies/camps.  Camp Tevya has requirements that we want to make sure we respect as a good neighbor and respecting their generosity.

Please check in with the Race Director at Camp Tevya.

12. Decorating

Assist with putting up various spooky decorations around Camp Tevya and the trail for the runners.  This may include the psychedelic rainbow tunnel, the monster tunnel, the campfire skeletons, various ghouls, and whatever else we may have!

Please check in with the aid station at Camp Tevya.