USU Double Charge

Ghost Train registration on January 27th kind of broke the Internet!  Nice work!

That said, I've had a couple of people reach out and tell me that they registered once but were double charged by UltraSignup.  If this was you - and please double check your card statements to be sure - here is how you contact UltraSignup for them to investigate and resolve the problem. 

I apologize if you were double charged, and although it is beyond my control to fix it, I want you to know that UltraSignup has great customer service and I hope things are fixed quickly for you.  If they are not, please reach out to me at

Here are the steps to contact UltraSignup:

Go to our signup page and click "Ask a Question":

Click on "This link"

Click "Contact UltraSignup Support"

Fill out the fields, tell them you got double charged, and click "Send Message"