Meetup: Runners & Pacers

Are you a 30-Hour Ultramarathon runner looking for a pacer?

Are you interested in pacing someone running the 30-Hour Ultramarathon?

Below is the Google doc where you can meet up with runners who need pacers and pacers who want to run with runners. This is not a monitored sheet and note all the following disclaimers!

  • This is not monitored! In case you missed that!

  • This is voluntary. Don't fill it out if you aren't comfortable providing your contact information.

  • If someone does bad things with this form and the RD figures out who it is, bad things will happen. (Don't make me figure out what enforcement mechanisms are needed!)

  • You must be over 18 and a legal adult to provide information here. (I don't want trouble with kids getting contacted by online strangers!)

  • Adding your information to this sheet does not guarantee any runner/pacer match ups. You must connect and communicate directly with each other, work it out, and make a plan.

  • The race, the race director, and everyone associated with Ghost Train, the Towns of Brookline and Milford, the Conservation Commissions of Brookline and Milford, and any other person associated with the race takes no liability for any misuse of this form or the information on it!

OK - I think that's clear - now go and enjoy meeting new people! :)

Click the "Open Spreadsheet in a New Window" link in the top right to edit.

Ghost Train 2022 Pacing