Become a Sponsor

Thank You for Considering Sponsorship!

Ghost Train has a field size of 800 runners plus an active community that includes crews, pacers, family members, volunteers and other spectators.   In addition to our participants and guests on race day, we have an active online community on our Facebook Group of 3,000 people.  This group represents past, present and future participants, the crews and family members previously mentioned, local landowners along the Granite Town Rail Trail, and residents of Brookline and Milford.

Sponsors help the Brookline and Milford Conservation Commissions improve the trails and outdoors for the Ghost Train course in Brookline and Milford.  Thank you to all our partners and sponsors for helping us give back to the community. 

Learn more about sponsorship levels below or email our Race Director at with questions.  Thank you!

The chart below shows the benefits provided to sponsors at various levels.  Checks may be made out to The Milford Conservation Commission and snail mailed to the RD.  Please contact us for the address.  (Don't worry!  Milford is kindly handling the financials but all profits are split evenly with the Brookline Conservation Commission!)

Sponsorship Levels