Gerta and her late husband John had an indelible impact on the musical life of our area here in the central foothills. Their home, "The Barn," in Rail Road Flat was the true cradle of the Mother Lode Friends of Music, as local musicians congregated there regularly throughout the seventies and later for music-making, socializing and dining, often following up with informal musical concerts for local music-lovers at the Jackson public library.

---- Ron Brickman, 30 April 2010

Gerta loved people, we all know that -- so when she and John came to Railroad Flat she felt a bit isolated and John was soon bored because, he said, he wanted someone to play music with. He placed an ad in the local "Buy and Sell" paper, asking for someone to play "Kreutzer" with him. A friend of mine who worked for that paper phoned me and asked what I thought of that ad. Curious, I phoned and John answered and I asked if it was the Kreutzer Sonata or the exercise book he was talking about. He laughed and said sonata, of course, and he invited me up to "the barn" to meet his wife Gerta and play some music. He also said the only other person to reply to his ad was a zither player.

Gerta said that when she saw me that first time she thought I looked like a hippie from Berkeley -- she always did speak her mind! I immediately told them about the Friends of Music. They were delighted to hear of some musical activity in the area and in no time were having everyone up to the barn for rehearsals and performances at least monthly with dinners of pot luck and then often more playing 'til three in the morning.

All this time Gerta is a great hostess, either listening, feeding us, or sitting knitting. I can hear the clicking needles yet. She was the glue that held us together.

We wrote throughout the years and I already miss her.

---- Patti, 28 March 2010

We feel she's with the angels, organizing a fabulous dinner party and displaying her excellent tastes in decorating (probably with a table cloth woven by herself) & creativity (her collages and unique jewelry proudly on display).

Your Mother has been a very important part of our lives over the last 34 years. The conversations we've had ranging from religion to politics and all subjects in between over great dinners here at our house, the "barn", Alameda, or various gourmet restaurants your Mother introduced us to will be sorely missed.

We remember the first time we met your Mom here at the barn. She said "My name is 'Ghearta'", not 'Gerta' as it is spelled. We hit it off with her and your Dad at that time and have been the best of friends since.

When your Mother moved to Alameda, we missed our daily visits over coffee, dinner, or just conversation. If not for your Mom, Kathy and I would never have experienced visiting Europe and would certainly never have experienced Paris twice with our personal tour guide, chaperon, and interpreter. Again, she will be sorely missed by all.

Your Mom was our good friend and 'Jewish Mother'.


---- Jack & Kathy, 25 March 2010

We met in 2000 and we made several interviews on her life in Czernowitz which were published in an article in German in 2006 («Lakhn mit kremenes – ein Zeugnis über Czernowitz» in Czernowitz bei Sadagora). And so we met regularly when she was staying in Paris, and that's how we became friends. I remember her as a very humorous person - we laughed pretty much! - who was as human as intelligent. Last year I invited her to talk about Czernowitz in my lesson on the history of central and eastern Europe, at the university, and I remember very well these two hours: the students, many from eastern Europe, were stricken by her lively way to tell her story, and at the end of the semester, they told me this had been the most important lesson they had within this course.

I know that Gerta left very dear things in many people's heart, and I will keep thinking of her with great tenderness.

---- Pierre de Trégomain, 22 March 2010

We met [Gerta] on a working vessel cruise in Norway several years ago, the only Americans, and practically neighbors (Oakland and Alameda). There was a lone French couple aboard who found themselves in a language blackout. So Gerta took them under her care -- translating and socializing -- and she was totally gracious in doing so. It was a wonderful introduction, for us, to a dynamic, caring, and socially committed human being. And as we came to know her better over the years we admired her grit, her courage, and her spirit. It was a privilege to know her.

---- Norma and Leon, 21 March 2010

We were not in close and frequent contact, but I always felt that our bond was strong and unique. We had so many memories which only the two of us shared. She was the last contact I had to my previous life.

---- Zeev, 20 March 2010

I have, for a while now, been able to come to terms with the thought of my having lost my "far-away grandmother". Yes, would you believe that, we actually used to joke about the fact that she may have been my grandma (my "real" grandma was born in 1924 and is still with us, although she's probably never been as full of life and joy as Gerta was). And so she used to end her mails to me with things like your grandma full of good intentions / your ever optimistic grandma / your recently acquired grandma...

We never even managed to meet, when she briefly passed through my hometown on her way to Czernowitz, and I never had the time (which is true: I was writing on my Ph.D. thesis at the time) to take her invitation to join her in Paris or in California... Still, we were quite close and, for a couple of years, shared thoughts, dilemmas, memories on a daily bases. Whenever I wrote to her in the evening, she would immediately reply: she used to wake up very early and check her mail...

---- Jane Rostos, 19 March 2010

... [Gerta] had good long run and was a great and sweet lady. When Paul and I met in 1969 and I went to your house and met her I really liked her, found her very interesting,and felt that she really gave me the time of day ( payed attention to this kid (me) ).

---- Peter B., 15 March 2010

Gerta was an inspiration to me. I remember when I went to see her at her place in Alameda. On your recommendation I was to sublet the place while she summered in Paris. She made one pot of tea after another and we talked for hours! She regaled me of times in her youth - paddling in the Hudson River, and her ongoing excursions to see new music and new art. The social butterfly, she always had things to do, and people to see. She was strong, independent, creative, brilliant. ... I have often bragged about her to others, saying how much I wanted to be like her in my advanced years.

---- Holly, 14 March 2010

Just last wednesday, I spoke about my brother Olivier on a radio station here, to anounce a concert next week. I talked about Olivier discovering Paul Celan's poems through Gerta, who knew Paul Celan well. If I ever succeed in publishing a book about my brother (there are several projects), she will have a part in it.

---- Jean-Jacques, 14 March 2010

We are really shocked to hear this news this morning...we were just talking about Gerta a couple of nights ago and wondering how she was doing. Our thoughts go out to you and the rest of your family.. You all took such good care of her as her health was declining.

Gerta was an inspiration to me with her independent traveling and gutsy spirit. We are glad we shared many fun, interesting evenings with her over the past several years. Carl, of course, knew her much longer than I did and she, as his friend, shared many things - both good and bad - with him.

---- Marti & Carl, 13 March 2010

How fortunate I was to have known her!

---- Lucy, 12 March 2010

I will miss that fine woman . . . she taught me alot about living the life you want to live.

---- Nancy, 13 March 2010

We are so sad to learn of Gerta's passing. She played an important role in our lives. She was a truly extraordinary person who shared a love of art and culture with us, and reminded us so much of Elliott's mother--a diminutive, powerful artist who so enjoyed relationships with such an amazing variety of wonderful people. We will miss her.

---- Sharon and Elliott, 13 March 2010

... Gerta was quite a great person, and I will always remember her with affection. Right above my desk is a frame with a jewel work of art she once gave me. She was exactly my mother's age. I am also thankful that she went peacefully.

---- Patricia, 13 March 2010

I have very fond memory and Gerta remain in our heart for ever. We look the photo again (the one you send us Christmas time) and Marek understand she is with the stars now... I feel good she passed away peacefully, ...

---- Pierre Yves, 13 March 2010

Merci de nous rappeler l’amour qu’elle nous portait et je t’assure en retour de la reprécise de cet amour a son égard...

---- Fan et Serge, 13 March 2010