A Magyarországi Evangélikus Egyház folyóirata
Journal of the Evangelical Church in HungaryOnline issues: 1995-2009
The 2007 issue contains Memorials in Sopron by Melinda KissTwo examples from her article: 1791The resting place of the late, honourable and distinguished Mr Tobias Reisch, the formervery distinguished citizen and member of the town council, who was born on 24 July 1712 and died on 22 March 1792, and who, with his wife, named below, lived peacefully anda married life of 55 years, 10 months and 8 days, though without issue.

Here rests in God two pious faithful spouses, the late venerable and deeply respected citizen and master butcher Georg Schiller, aged 63 years, and the noble-born, of many virtues and virtues, Mrs. Maria, née Kern, aged79 years of age, died happy in the Lord. They lived together for 37 years, inseparable, though death separated them, their souls in heaven and their bodies in earth and await their full reunion on the last day for eternal life. It was in this hope that this tomb was erected in 1753 by the two surviving sons and brother, GeorgJacob and Johann Gottlieb to the permanent memory of their parents, their children and their descendantsand their descendants.Glory to God alone!Bible quotation on the shield of the pedestalBlessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Verily it saiththe Spirit, for they shall rest from their labours, and their works shall follow them.