CQL permissions

Example of CQL per Layer permissions for WMS and WFS:

Group: FOO

Server: BAR

Layer: BAZ

Permission: INCLUDE

Description: users that belong to the group FOO can view the layer BAZ on server BAR.

Group: FOO

Server: BAR

Layer: BAZ

Permission: EXCLUDE

Description: users that belong to the group FOO can't view the layer BAZ on server BAR.

Group: FOO

Server: BAR

Layer: BAZ

Permission: COLOR='RED'

Description: users that belong to the group FOO can view the layer BAZ on server BAR but only features with attribute color equals to red.

Group: FOO

Server: BAR

Layer: BAZ

Permission: BBOX(the_geom,707724,82464,732146,113847))

Description: users that belong to the group FOO can view the layer BAZ on server BAR but only the features inside the given BBOX.

Group: FOO

Server: BAR

Layer: BAZ

Permission: COLOR='RED' AND BBOX(the_geom,707724,82464,732146,113847))

Description: users that belong to the group FOO can view the layer BAZ on server BAR but only the features inside the given BBOX that have an attribute color equals to red.