Discussion Papers
Switching away from probability one beliefs, with Eric van Damme, July 1990
Handbook Chapters
Investment and Competitive Matching, Chapter 4 in the Handbook of the Economics of Matching Vol.1 (Eds. Yeon-Koo Che, Pierre-André Chiappori, Bernard Salanié), 125-222 (2024), with Larry Samuelson.
Published Papers
The shirker's dilemma and the prospects of cooperation in large groups, Theoretical Population Biology 155, 10-23 (2024), with Aviad Heifetz and Jorge Peña.
Cooperative dilemmas with binary actions and multiple players, Dynamic Games and Applications 13, 1156-1193 (2023), with Jorge Peña.
Sorting in iterated incumbency contests, Economic Theory 74, 1103-1140 (2022), with Samuel Häfner.
The balance condition in search-and-matching models, Econometrica 88:2, 595-618 (2020), with Stephan Lauermann and Thomas Tröger.
Group size and collective action in a binary contribution game, Journal of Mathematical Economics 88, 42-51 (2020), with Jorge Peña.
The evolution of egg trading in simultaneous hermaphrodites, The American Naturalist 195:3, 524-533 (2020), with Jorge Peña and Oscar Puebla.
Group size effects in social evolution, Journal of Theoretical Biology 47, 211-220 (2018), with Jorge Peña.
The implementation duality, Econometrica 86:4, 1283-1324 (2018), with Larry Samuelson.
Optimal search from multiple distributions with infinite horizon, Economics Letters 164, 15-18 (2018), with Jean-Michel Benkert and Igor Letina.
Payoff shares in two-player contests, Games 7:3, 25 (2016), with Samuel Häfner.
The symmetric equilibria of symmetric voter participation games with complete information, Games and Economic Behavior 99, 71-81 (2016), with Jorge Peña.
Variability in group size and the evolution of collective action, Journal of Theoretical Biology 389, 72-82 (2016), with Jorge Peña.
Evolutionary dynamics of collective action in spatially structured populations, Journal of Theoretical Biology 382, 122-136 (2015), with Laurent Lehmann and Jorge Peña.
Investment and competitive matching, Econometrica 83:3, 835-896 (2015), with Larry Samuelson.
Discussion Paper (Cowles Foundation, Yale University), November 2014. Contains additional material on matching with nontransferable utility and more examples.Existence of steady-state equilibria in matching models with search frictions, Economics Letters 131, 1-4 (2015), with Stephan Lauermann.
Stable marriages and search frictions, Journal of Economic Theory 151, 163-195 (2014), with Stephan Lauermann.
Gains from switching and evolutionary stability in multi-player matrix games, Journal of Theoretical Biology 346, 23-33 (2014), with Laurent Lehmann and Jorge Peña.
Does competitive pricing cause market breakdown under extreme adverse selection?, Journal of Economic Theory 140:1, 97-125 (2008), with George Mailath.
Optimal bunching without optimal control, Journal of Economic Theory 134:1, 405-420 (2007), with Larry Samuelson.
A characterization of the distributions that imply existence of linear equilibria in the Kyle model, Annals of Finance 2:1, 73-85 (2006), with Thomas Tröger.
Information-based relative consumption effects: correction, Econometrica 73:4, 1383-1387 (2005), with Larry Samuelson.
Strategic choice handicaps when females seek high male net viability, Journal of Theoretical Biology 221, 53-59 (2003), with Larry Samuelson.
Existence of linear equilibria in the Kyle model with multiple informed traders, Economics Letters 72:2, 159-164 (2001), with Thomas Tröger.
How costly is the honest signaling of need?, Journal of Theoretical Biology 197, 527-539 (1999), with Larry Samuelson.
Sequential investments and options to own, Rand Journal of Economics 29, 633-653 (1998), with Klaus Schmidt.
On testing for financial market equilibrium under asymmetric information, Journal of Political Economy 105, 1107-1113 (1997).
A dynamic model of equilibrium selection in signaling markets, Journal of Economic Theory 73, 118-156 (1997), with Larry Samuelson.
Option contracts and renegotiation: a solution to the hold-up problem, Rand Journal of Economics 26, 163-179 (1995), with Klaus Schmidt.
An evolutionary analysis of backward and forward induction, Games and Economic Behavior 5, 425-454 (1993), with Larry Samuelson.
Signalling in a dynamic labour market, Review of Economic Studies 57, 1-23 (1990), with Eric van Damme.