MS/PhD students

Information for prospective MS/PhD students

There are a number of ways you can earn a graduate degree if you have an actuarial background and would like to enhance your career. Michigan State University grants the MS degree in Statistics, MS in Applied Statistics, MS in Industrial Mathematics, as well as the PhD in Statistics. For the MS in Statistics or the PhD in Statistics, you can choose to complete an actuarial science themed thesis. These two options would be suitable for students who are interested in performing academic research in actuarial science. Alternatively, you may select the MS in Applied Statistics, or the MS in Industrial Mathematics with an actuarial science themed portfolio, if you prefer to emphasize practical applications.

Degree options

Current/former MS/PhD students

Society of Actuaries (SoA) recognition 

As of 2023, Michigan State University is recognized as an institution granting MS and PhD degrees focused on actuarial science by the Society of Actuaries. Please see the Universities & Colleges with Actuarial Programs (UCAP) page on the SoA website ( and search for Michigan State University within the UCAP list in order to verify this.

Final note

I look forward to meeting you in East Lansing, Michigan!